Attack of the Killer Zucchini

– Posted in: Gardening, Tenzin, Worst Mom Randomness

Warning: this is what happens when you have company for seven days and then promptly leave for the weekend.

Every time we plant zucchini, we say three things. One, “Let’s make sure to give them plenty of space.” Two, “We don’t need that many plants.” And three, “This year, we’ll definitely pick them before they get ridiculously large.” We aren’t complete morons. We got the first two (kind of). But I’ll go to my grave not understanding how a squash that large can hide under a few big leaves. It’s like an elephant trying to conceal itself in Costco. Sure, there are places to hide, but I’m pretty sure I’d find it pretty easily if I just looked around a little.

Anyway, fortunately our friends have a good zucchini soup recipe. And my aunt adopted one. And then our neighbor pretty much acted like we’d given her a winning lottery ticket when my husband tossed one her way.

I’m thinking our friends and neighbors are going to start looking at us the way people look at each other in small Midwestern towns — where the only reason folks lock their cars is so no one will put their spare zucchini in them.

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