Is Facebook Plugging the Walmart Spring?

– Posted in: Angry Tammy, Blogging, Corporatism, Mean People, Politics, Worst Mom Rants
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Something really disturbing happened to me on Facebook today. Deep down I'm hoping there's a complicated, techy, and completely legitimate explanation for it, but I'm fearing the worst. First, an explanation. Many of you know I have what's called a "fan page" for World's Worst Moms. Fan pages are different than personal pages. When I [...]

Heavens to Betsy! Women Writers?!

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Corporatism, Okay That's Funny, Politics, World Gone Crazy, Worst Mom Rants

There's been a whole heap of nasty stuff being thrown around about women lately. I mean, back when I was twenty, if you would've suggested that we'd be bickering about safe access to abortion or questioning if an assault victim "asked for it" in 2012, I would have chortled (because I did and still chortle [...]

Haven’t Heard About “Occupy Wall Street”? It’s Time to Start Listening.

– Posted in: Corporatism, Mean People, Money, Politics, World Gone Crazy, Worst Mom Rants

If you haven't heard -- and there's a very good chance you haven't -- a growing number of people are gathering in New York to "Occupy Wall Street." I say there's a good reason you haven't heard because the media has done a crap-ass job of covering the whole thing.  Finally, sixteen days after it [...]

The Angry American — Debt Ceiling 101

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Corporatism, Cranky Tammy, Lying, Mean People, Mouths of Babes, Politics, World Gone Crazy, Worst Mom Rants

My husband and I were so pissed off and yelling so loudly last night that I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard us.Don't worry. Not yelling at each other. Well, sort of yelling at each other. More yelling in tandem. We'd watched the president's speech on the debt ceiling -- all was well. My 8-year-old was [...]

This Country Brought to You by G.E.

– Posted in: Corporatism, Cranky Tammy, Mean People, Politics, World Gone Crazy, Worst Mom Rants

So I sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up.You've probably heard, the two mega-media giants, Comcast and NBC, have morphed into one super, mega-media giant. This will no doubt raise prices for all of us little guys and cause the "news" industry to sink even further into the abyss (I'm actually grateful that my [...]