If Only They Made Organic Doritos

– Posted in: Complaining, First World Problems, Food, Green Living, Grown-up Friends, Parenting, Personal Insanity, Travel

We're going camping this weekend for the first time since, I don't know, 1996 (?), and I'm having more than a few problems.  First of all, I seem to have lost my packing mojo.  This isn't a big deal if your partner is an anal-retentive, organizational genius (like myself).  It's a very big deal if [...]

I Think I Hear Violins

– Posted in: Green Living, Mean People, Politics, World Gone Crazy, Worst Mom Rants

Over the last ten years, I've joked -- sometimes in a not so jokey way -- about moving to Canada. I'm not sure why I assume all the lumberjacks, professional curlers, and comedians up there are liberals. They're probably all stockpiling guns, reading Sarah Palin books, and planning their secession from Quebec.Political/sociological classification-wise, I guess [...]