Buck Up Little Skier

– Posted in: Elfie, Guilt, Illness, Sports, The Great Outdoors, This Is Supposed to be Fun, Worst Mom Giveaways, Worst Mom Moments

As we approach the First Anniversary of World's Worst Moms, I thought it would be fun to throw in one of my own bad mother moments. Enjoy the pain.And if you haven't entered the Anniversary Giveaway Extravaganza yet, then get your butt over to the previous post before midnight on August 24th. Someone's going to [...]

Something to Believe In

– Posted in: Bright Side of Life, Chronic Pain, Complaining, Depression, Elfie, Family, Illness, Mouths of Babes, Newt, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy

So I've been sick for about ten days with some killer, government-created, genetically-modified supervirus that strolled over to my microbiology beach and kicked protoplasm in the face of my flu shot. To say this is getting me down would be an understatement. Those scenes from Beaches with Barbara Hershey lying around the house, barely able [...]

Arsenic and Old Face

– Posted in: Bright Side of Life, Cleaning, Complaining, Dogs, Family, Getting Older, Grown-up Friends, Illness, Momless, Personal Insanity

So today's my birthday. I'm 42. And I've been sick as a dog for four days.I'm trying to teeter toward falling off the happy side of this cliff. As I always tell my kids when they point out an alarmingly old person, "It's better than the alternative." So today I just keep telling myself, as [...]

Once A Smartass. . .

– Posted in: Illness, Worst Mom Moments

This set of vignettes comes to us from Squidnice, whom I'm sure we'll be hearing from often because she's the mother of two teenaged girls.  I should note that when her youngest heard about the request, she actually said, “Why are you going to do that?  You’re not that bad of a mom.”  After reading [...]