Girl Gone Wild

– Posted in: Worst Mom Moments

Caryn Haluska, aka Frazzledmomma, has earned her name.  She has seven, yes, seven kids.  Including twins.  If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to friend her after reading this recap of her Facebook post about her third child (at this point, she just uses numbers — names are so cumbersome when you’re yelling).  You can read more of her adventures in parenting at Living with Logan.

At the Monster House, life is NEVER dull.  Never.  As in, not one single minute of one single day.  Life is SO interesting, I keep my friends and family (well, the friends and family who are brave enough to add me as a friend, anyway) entertained simply with my status posts on facebook:

frazzledmomma status
#3 got beat up.  By a ten year old girl.  Thoroughly.  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!!

friend of the family
Oh… oh, my…

You cannot seriously tell me you didn’t at least SMILE when you read that.  But I swear it’s true.  And NOW I have to figure out how to ground the kid for tormenting a little girl….. which is why she opened up a can of whup @$$.

great aunt to the monsters
Sounds like she took care of the problem.  Hopefully he has learned.

friend of the family
That’s what I was thinking lol Lesson learned? 😀

i know.. but dang it…. the kid is TWELVE.. and he’s tormenting little girls.  Although, he WAS bleeding.  Bleeding trumps being grounded.

‎”so, #3, what have we learned?”
“don’t piss off girls?”
“well done. Carry on.”

uncle to the monsters
Poor kid.  I almost feel bad for him.  But it pretty much sounds like he kinda deserved it.

Have I mentioned that there were FOUR boys… and she whupped them ALL?  and it took three of the aforementioned boys to pull her off #3 when she started choking him?  I don’t even WANNA know what she’s like when she’s old enough for PMS!
^^1 like!!!^^

different friend of the family
I laughed.  Oh boy that is a pretty rough day lol

friend of frazzledmomma
LOL, tail end, but still funny!

aunt to the monsters by marriage
of course you realize he might be in love now.

no chance of that.  A) he already has a “girlfriend,” which we all know means they sit together at lunch and hold hands between classes, but that’s about it, and B) this amazon that beat him up has been annoying him and everyone else in town since she was old enough to whine.

uncle to the monsters
So who IS this “amazon girl?”

The amazon girl?  Well, THAT would be telling!  And tattling is against the law at the monster house!;)

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10 Comments… add one

frazzledmomma November 15, 2010, 9:14 am

Oh, yes! Friend me, friend me!!LOL

You can find me at Living with Logan on facebook (hint, hint)

Char November 15, 2010, 11:10 am

haha i think you handled it brilliantly…I would have oh wait, I think I have done the same thing to one of my 5 kids!!! well done!!

The Project Author November 17, 2010, 11:06 am

World's Worst, Project Supermom has picked you as one of the best and has given you an award! Come see me at to pick it up. Thanks for fun and interesting reads…I enjoy them so much!

PartlySunny November 17, 2010, 11:26 am

Thanks Project Author! I know. . . isn't this a talented group of women?

-Tammy (World's Worst Moms)

Kim November 18, 2010, 3:52 pm

I had to laugh when I read this post. I have seven kids (blended family) including a set of twins… but a couple of mine are now grown, and she's much funnier than I am. 😛

Heather November 20, 2010, 8:58 pm

Wow what a handful and I'd have to have the same approach with 7 kids. You get what you dish out. Sounds like he learned his lesson though. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog today! 🙂 Following back!

Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

The Drama Mama November 21, 2010, 12:47 pm

That really is funny. This takes me back to when I was 14, a neighborhood boy was my “Boyfriend” and he threw rocks at me on the playground one day. I was a tough little tomboy, played football with the boys, etc. I didn't take to being thrown rocks at kindly, even though its my boyfriend, so a fight ensued. Let's just say that I didn't have a boyfriend at the end of the day, but I did have several offers to be a bodyguard. Haha. 😉

Heather April 7, 2011, 12:31 am

Wow what a handful and I'd have to have the same approach with 7 kids. You get what you dish out. Sounds like he learned his lesson though. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog today! 🙂 Following back!

Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

PartlySunny April 7, 2011, 12:31 am

Thanks Project Author! I know. . . isn't this a talented group of women?

-Tammy (World's Worst Moms)

The Project Author April 7, 2011, 12:31 am

World's Worst, Project Supermom has picked you as one of the best and has given you an award! Come see me at to pick it up. Thanks for fun and interesting reads…I enjoy them so much!

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