Praise Be To Easter

– Posted in: Holidays, Okay That's Funny, Religion, Videos, Worst Mom Randomness

So I survived Easter. Barely. I think what bugs me the most about the “secret” holidays that involve bunnies and Santas (and next year leprechauns, thanks to my daughter’s friends and teachers who told her about the adorable tricks that get played on kids during Saint Patrick’s Day) is not so much the unacknowledged work I put into it. What bothers me is how exhausted I am by the end of it all and how befuddled and exasperated the kids are by my behavior. Because why the hell would Mom be tired? It’s not like she’s been doing anything. . .

I’d like to believe that with everything finally over, I’ll be getting back to a more normal routine. But the fact is that I’m up past midnight, I ate a bunch of Reese’s eggs for dinner, and I fed the kids pre-made food in front of the TV. So let’s not kid ourselves.

Anyway, since I’m still not quite out of the “Easter spirit,” I wanted to pass on this video. I should’ve posted it way back in December because it’s actually a Christmas show, but since it’s about Jesus, I’m taking some artistic license.

Apparently this song, performed by comedian Tim Minchin, was pulled from the Jonathan Ross Show (U.K.) because somebody got cold feet. Honestly I find this kind of bizarre because while I can see how a person with absolutely no sense of humor might find the song offensive, it actually paints Jesus in a very positive light. I mean, by the end, he even sounds kind of cool. And that ain’t easy to pull off — just ask all those evangelicals with the big screens and rock bands in their churches. You usually just end up looking like a big tool.

Not to mention, the song is catchy. I showed this to the kids, and of course they like to sing it at the top of their lungs in the backyard. I’m sure by now the neighbors are more than just a little confused. And hoping we move soon.

Happy Post Bunny Day, everyone.

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