Mommy Wants a Do-Over

– Posted in: Cleaning, Diaper Disaster, Foot in Mouth, Grosser than Gross, Guilt, Memories, Poop, Worst Mom Moments

Have you ever done something and then wondered, "Crap, when do kids actually start remembering things?" For Kristi Valentini, this would be one of those times. She chronicles life with back-to-back babies at  Mommy Crib Notes. In a mad moment of parental anger, have you ever done or said something you regretted? You desperately wish [...]

The Card

– Posted in: Foot in Mouth, Guilt, Misunderstandings, Mouths of Babes, Worst Mom Moments

XLMIC, who blogs at Taking It On, submitted this story about a disappointing Mother's Day that became so much more.I opened the plain white, slightly rumpled, nondescript business envelope with 'Mom' written on the front and drew out the raggedly-cut, crookedly-folded in half piece of red construction paper.  Written on it in silver chicken-scratch was [...]

Cheerless Leader

– Posted in: Foot in Mouth, Sports, Worst Mom Moments

Remember the whole, "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten" thing?  Well, Janis Meredith of  jbm thinks basically applies that to sports.  She's married to a coach and her kids are all athletes, so she's got plenty of experience.  Which probably also means she does a lot of laundry and lives out of [...]