Only the Lonely

– Posted in: Guilt, Worst Mom Moments

Mommy2¢ is back with a list of questions. She wants to know if she’s alone in her misery, weirdness, and general snarkiness. You can catch up with the rest of her goings-on at her blog, Mommy2¢.

There are so many times in a day I think to myself “Am I the only one…”

Am I the only one who finds themselves ignoring their kids to read blogs?

Am I the only one who looks forward to bedtime?

Am I the only one who is emotionally torn when 3 o’clock rolls around?

Am I the only one who despises laundry so bad that I’d rather clean toilets instead of folding laundry and putting it away?

Am I the only one who tells their kids that the mechanical horse at the grocery store is dead when going in entrance #1 so I don’t have to walk all the way over to entrance #2 so they can ride it?

Am I the only one who tackles my kids to the ground and kisses their faces so much it makes them cry?

Am I the only one who thinks it’s AWESOME to jump out from behind things to scare people?

Am I the only one who’s a nervous wreck when anyone else is driving my kids around but me?  Even my husband…especially my husband…not a good driver!

Am I the only one who teaches the trust fall game from Tosh.o to their kids?

Am I the only one who tells my kids that an ambulance is on its way to get me and take me to the hospital ‘cuz they are being bad and it’s breaking my heart?

Am I the only one who uses an air horn to get my kids attention when my voice isn’t getting the job done?

Am I the only one who gets pissed at her kids when they get hurt cuz 9.5 times out of 10 it’s because they’re doing something I’ve already told them to stop?

Am I the only one who deprives my kids from Chucky Cheese because I detest the place?

Am I the only one who has kids that hate to sit down and eat?

Am I the only one who throws those f*cking school fundraising packets away that are constantly being sent home in my kids backpacks and writes a donation check the very next day?

Am I the only one who has a mini panic attack whenever their kids go on fieldtrips further than 10 minutes away when riding in a school bus?

Am I the only one who doesn’t watch The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, or Dancing with the Stars?

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8 Comments… add one

@TaraBurkholder October 17, 2011, 2:13 am

Wow, are you in my head???

Rebecca October 17, 2011, 2:41 am

I'm pretty sure I could have written this post. I don't do the air horn thing but Wow, what a great idea! And I don't write fundraising donation checks, I just toss the packet in the trash and forget about it. (I do donate my time to the school…a lot!)
My recent post Saying Thanks

Rachel October 17, 2011, 4:17 am

You are so not the only one, or at least there are two of us. Love this post!
My recent post To Julian

andrea October 17, 2011, 2:50 pm

Well now I feel significantly better knowing I am not the only one!!! A special big curse to those fundraiser packs!

@about100percent October 18, 2011, 2:00 am

There are so many things on this list that we share, including the propensity to jump out and scare people, and avoiding Chuck E Cheese, DWTS and the Bachelor iterations. And with that I'm off to get myself an airhorn.

alexandra October 18, 2011, 2:10 am



Let's make it official..

Vegas. This weekend.

@wombatcentral October 19, 2011, 4:33 pm

I might have to hurt you if you jump out and scare me, but other than that, we could have some big fun together! Love the air horn idea. Off to buy one now….
My recent post Movie Monday – 50/50

@worldsworstmoms October 20, 2011, 6:55 pm

Seriously, I be so much happier just writing the school a check than trying to convince my relatives to buy fair-trade organic chocolate. Although I must admit that I'm pretty psyched when my friend's school comes around with the cookie dough.

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