Buckle Up for Safety!

– Posted in: Accidents, Guilt, Misunderstandings, Mouths of Babes, Worst Mom Moments

Nadine Devlin is a working mom of two who used World’s Worst Moms as a great form of procrastination one night when she found the site and read every single post. Apparently she thought she was in good company. Right after she finished reading, she banged out this little confession and sent it in.


So, I was in a hurry to get my son Con, age 7, to basketball practice tonight. And as with literally EVERYTHING in my life (even pre-kids) I am running late. I am really good at shouting directions (HURRY UP! GET YOUR SOCKS ON I SAID! DON’T EVEN TOUCH THAT BOOK! YOU CAN PEE WHEN WE GET THERE, HOLD IT IN!) to the kids and flying around the house like a mad woman whenever we need to leave to go somewhere and we are late (always).

The last thing I yelled was to grab shoes and get in the car and buckle up NOW! My daughter Em, 4, is very slow at this — so I made sure to yell it to her again — BUCKLE UP!! They got in, and I almost got in the car, then realized I forgot some stuff, so I ran back into the house to get it while they were in the car in the garage. As I reached the door to the house, I heard my daughter scream — I turned around and gave her an “angry and late mommy is not in the mood” look (eye contact was made) and kept going in the house. As I’m headed up the stairs, I realize she is not screaming at her brother because he is annoying her — this is an “I’m in pain” scream. It is then that the World’s Worst Mom moment happened (I know, you thought it was all that mean screaming/yelling at them? Nah — I’m an Italian New Yorker — it’s just how we show love right?).

I made the decision that whatever happened for her to get hurt can’t be that bad and I’m going to continue up the stairs and grab what I need (purse, phone, and my work calendar). I ignored her obvious cry of pain and need for help/comfort. When I got back to the car I realized she was still screaming and now I can hear words. . . “My finger is stuck!!!!!” HOLY CRAP! Her friggin’ finger was stuck in the seat belt buckle — the one that clicks at the chest. I dropped my stuff on the garage floor and jumped in the car to unbuckle her. Her little cutesy four-year-old middle finger pad was completely smushed and pinched. No blood thank goodness!

I got her a soft ice pack from the freezer in the shape of a soccer ball, and she was happy, and her finger was fine. I kissed her finger and cheeks with tears and felt horrible that her finger was stuck for probably the last 45 seconds at least — AND that she saw me walk away from her when she needed me. I made sure to give her lots of snuggles at bedtime, lol! 

(P.S. I made her leave the ice pack in the car — I honestly didn’t want any of the other parents at the basketball practice to ask me what happened!)

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14 Comments… add one

Carol January 22, 2011, 1:08 pm

And you didn't yell at the brother for not helping his sister? phfft. Piker.

PartlySunny January 22, 2011, 1:18 pm

OMG, Carol. You almost made me spit out my coffee.

XLMIC January 22, 2011, 1:27 pm

I feel your mama-pain. I also have punctuality 'issues' and find that some of my worst parenting moments are often related to that. Hugs to you and your girl…hope the boo-boo got better quickly.
P.s. I'd have left that ice pack in the car, too 😉

Not Blessed Mama January 22, 2011, 1:32 pm

oooooouuuuucccchhhh. these are the moments that we really shine as mothers.

Verity January 23, 2011, 12:27 am

I have totally been there – love the “don't even touch that book” and you can pee when we get there – I have said that so many times!

Just this afternoon, I thought I heard one of my almost 6 year olds calling me from the bath. I was in their room picking up clothes. Just wanted to finish. Plus I thought it was her sister who was playing “baby” with a friend (the fake crying always throws me off). Anyway, when I finally got around to checking in on her, she had blood all over her face! Turns out she had a bloody nose and had called for me 5 times and was just sitting there, trying to not get blood in the bath. I apologized profusely and told her I was picking up her clothes in her room. She said, “oh thank you for doing that mommy.” I kid you not.

letmestartbysaying January 23, 2011, 8:22 am

Those seat buckles are DANGEROUS, man. Dangerous.

If it makes you fell better, last year I was showing my son how to play Wii bowling right when my then-2-year-old ran in front of me mid-bowl, causing me to essentially punch her in the head so hard she was knocked off her feet. So she had a shiner on her forehead that EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO SAW HER ALL WEEK asked about. Um, yeah. Oops.

Anonymous January 23, 2011, 8:25 am

I know of a Dad who actually shut the door on his daughter's finger, and she lost the top knuckle's-worth of finger. So… it could've been worse!

Ted and/or Laura January 23, 2011, 2:05 pm

I've gotten MY finger stuck in the chest buckle both with the car seat and his stroller. Gah, you'd think as an adult i'd have come conception of where my fingers are. But…no…

Devlin's In Kansas January 24, 2011, 9:34 am

Thanks for the support ladies! How so appropriate that my story posted on the 22nd- my daughter's birthday lol! I shined with some “good mommy” moments that day- so I think that lessened the pain of reading this again lol. Verity: the “thank you for doing that mommy” shows us mommies what we should try to remember: our kids love us unconditionally! Whenever I get to yelling too much, my 7 year old calls me out on it- but then says: “but I love you even when you yell”. I'm really trying to work on the yelling thing! (my sign in says that I have a blog- but it is more of something I never did 2 years ago- I just realized today that I had a non-blog floating out there!)

Totally Ovar It January 29, 2011, 7:30 am

I love your ability to combine brutal honesty with snort-inducing humor. Great read.

Kristy January 29, 2011, 11:01 am

Oh goodness. I know it is awful when things like this happen, but it happens to all of us!

Victoria KP January 29, 2011, 12:28 pm

This reads like a page out of my life!

Scarlett January 29, 2011, 2:43 pm

Oh my goodness, that actually sounds like something I would have done…

Muffy Morgan January 30, 2011, 10:41 pm

This blog is a riot and is just necessary! Love it! Even I, superAuntie extraordinaire, have these moments. =)
Stopping by from RDC.

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