Can I Change My Answer?

– Posted in: Foot in Mouth, Guilt, Mouths of Babes, School, Teenagers, Worst Mom Moments

Diane Rene of My Mind’s Ramblings is back. This time with a story of foot-in-mouth disease.

I think every state has standardized testing in their public school systems. I know in many homes these results are not regarded with any importance, especially in the older years where the kids use the time to draw pictures with the bubbles on their scantron sheets instead of actually reading and answering questions, but in my home I use them as a guide so that I can get a feel for where they are at and where they might struggle.

To the point — my middle daughter’s test scores came in the mail this week. I immediately dropped what I was doing so that I could tear them open and check them out. Last year she scored 100% in 3 areas — two areas of English and one in Mathematics, scoring well into the advanced areas of both subjects.  She has always scored above proficient and it gets me a little giddy reading them.

I look at the summary sheet — advanced in English and Language Arts, but not by much, and only proficient in Mathematics. Granted, she was bordering on advanced/proficient, but I just thought. . . wow! It dropped!

I was reading the results out loud in the car to my daughter sitting behind me.

So I turned around in the car and said, something along the lines of, “I am so glad your middle school has this summer math program online, it looks like you’re going to be needing the extra help.”

Her face fell. . . my heart stopped. . . and immediately I felt like the shittiest person in the entire world.

“That online math program is stupid,” she says and immediately I have confirmed she is hurt. This child doesn’t use words like “stupid” unless she is pissed off. . . or hurt. Score 1 for Mom.

I try to rephrase my words, I backpedal and say things like, “You’re still at the borderline though.” “And look! You scored 100% in one area of English!” “Don’t worry about it, it’s just a test” . . . okay, now she knows I’m just trying to make her feel better. She is getting defensive, and I am scrambling for the right words to make this all go away.

Finally, I shut up. I start the car, and we make a run to the market where I can’t even remember what the heck I was there for.

My daughter is walking around with her arms folded over her chest. Another sign that I have stabbed her in the heart.

I look at her, “I fucked up and I’m sorry.”

She didn’t smile at my dropping the F-bomb in the market. . . I’m screwed.

“I didn’t mean to upset you with my comments on your test scores. I just want to be ahead of the game if there are any problems. Your older brother and sister both required extra tutoring during the Intermediate School years, and I just don’t want you to struggle when I could have stopped it. Does that make sense?”

She nodded, but wouldn’t look at me.

“But that doesn’t make your mother less of an ass and I am sorry. Let’s go beat her up!”

Rolling eyes! SUCCESS!! Well, sorta. At least her arms fell to her sides before pushing her sister from behind with a, “Move it shorty.”

Note to self: nothing in the mail is so important it can’t wait till I can look at it alone. . . with time to process. . . before opening my big, unfiltered mouth to my kid.

12 Comments… add one

Rebecca August 16, 2011, 6:07 pm

See, the schools are making us parents go completely crazy. It's not YOUR fault, blame it on the movie Waiting for Superman.
My recent post Some Crazy Things

Bluejae August 16, 2011, 7:25 pm

Yeah. If it makes you feel any better – my super-genius dad was tasked with helping me with my math in grade school and EVERY single time he worked with me, I ended up in tears. I swore that would never happen to my kid. So EVERY single time I help my daughter with her home work she ends up crying and shaking and yelling that she just isn't smart enough. Good work right? I mean, we've added the shaking and the wrecking ball self-talk so at least I'm helping her be an over achiever at feeling like an under achiever. Nice.

ginger August 16, 2011, 7:42 pm

I never tested well, bombed…but I would get straight As in school, discounting math. In fact my math scores on the tests were the exact same as my English scores. Yet, I struggled in math.  I loath testing, and that comes from a former History teacher who gave tests, but tried to come up w/ other ways of "testing" the student's knowledge besides multiple guess. Don't beat yourself up…I mean, the reason I am sending my kids to public school opposed to home schooling is because I love them and want to continue to love them….I can't even teach my 4 year old her Alphabet w/ out us fighting…

Kelly O\'Sullivan August 16, 2011, 8:46 pm

I think the best parenting lessons come when we fuck up and then apologize. What better lesson is there? No one is going to be perfect so learning to own up is the new Golden Rule.
My recent post I Always Drape Myself Over the Arm of the Sofa While Wearing Animal Print and 5-Inch Stilettos Before I Clean the Toilet

Kelly O\'Sullivan August 16, 2011, 8:46 pm

I think the best parenting lessons come when we fuck up and then apologize. What better lesson is there? No one is going to be perfect so learning to own up is the new Golden Rule.
My recent post I Always Drape Myself Over the Arm of the Sofa While Wearing Animal Print and 5-Inch Stilettos Before I Clean the Toilet

diane August 16, 2011, 11:10 pm

so I guess that means there is no superMOM to come help me? crap, I'm screwed ;0)

haha thanks, Rebecca!

– diane rene

diane rene August 16, 2011, 11:12 pm

oh I remember those days :/ I still have the fits of crying with the youngest – me more than her.

glad I'm not alone … I think?

diane rene August 16, 2011, 11:15 pm

"the reason I am sending my kids to public school opposed to home schooling is because I love them and want to continue to love them"

OMGosh Ginger, those are the words that I spew on a regular basis. I am NOT a teacher, I am a parent – maybe not a great one, but still a better parent than I would be a teacher. thank you!

– diane rene

diane rene August 16, 2011, 11:18 pm

I guess it is easier to teach humility to the kids when we practice it … it's just so much easier to be funny and cute and NOT hurt my own child's feelings. in a perfect world, right>

-diane rene

rachel August 17, 2011, 4:08 am

Ugg. I remember, my grandfather used to pick on me for an A minus. My kids are too young for grades yet, but I will have to remind myself to be careful what I say at report card time!
My recent post Moving On

diane rene August 17, 2011, 4:24 am

my dad got after me too. when I got older I was talking to HIS dad … grandpa informed me my dad was a C student. I was beyond angry … today it's funny 😉
– diane rene
My recent post . : the soccer mom, what?!

Dennis August 17, 2011, 5:34 pm

A 'C' student … you must have been talking to grandpa after he started losing it.

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