“Dee Train! Dee Train!”

– Posted in: Accidents, Mouths of Babes, This Is Supposed to be Fun, Worst Mom Moments
ChiMomWriter sent in this story about that old adage, “No good deed goes unpunished.” Ironically, she blogs at It Builds Character. . . and other parenting cliches.
When my daughter was 1 ½, she loved trains. Could not get enough of them. Since we lived walking distance from the train station, we’d often walk over to meet my husband when he came home from work.

Normally, we waited down on the sidewalk where Abby could have a great view but where I could avoid having to get the stroller back down through the sea of commuters after the train arrived.

As a treat, I decided one day that we would head up to the platform. It’s a Friday. My daughter is thrilled and is chanting her little-person version of “Daddy train!” over and over and OVER.

We arrive at the station right as a train is coming in. Thinking it’s his, we rushed up to the platform.

Most decidedly not his. It was an express that flew by with a horrific level of noise, wind, and debris flying into our eyes. I look over at Abby, who is terrified. When my husband’s train actually arrived a couple of minutes later, she looked like she wanted to disappear through the back of the stroller.

A few days later, we drove to the station but stayed in the car. Even at a safe distance away and with windows between us and the train, Abby cowered in the back seat, repeating over and over again, “Eyes! Eyes! Eyes!”

My husband walks home now, alone.
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8 Comments… add one

XLMIC April 25, 2011, 10:43 pm

Awwwwww…it is amazing what makes an impression. Poor little sweetie! But honestly, how could you know? (((Hugs for all 3 of you)))

Alison April 26, 2011, 12:41 am

Ack. Poor baby!

Rebecca April 26, 2011, 8:01 am

I witnessed a very similar situation. The child was 4 or 5 and that was several years ago and I'm sure she is STILL afraid of trains. Oh well, at least you know she won't hop on a train to run away from home.

Getrealmommy April 27, 2011, 10:20 pm

Poor munchkin. Now she will never like trains! What have you done??? 🙂

World's Worst Moms April 28, 2011, 12:10 am

My husband thought this was hysterical. My kids were like, “What? Why is that funny? That's not funny. What happened to the baby?” Which is why this site isn't called, “World's Funniest Mommy Stories for Kids.”

And Getrealmommy, it's good to have you back commenting! You know, I ditched that other program all because it wouldn't let you on. Couldn't have that! Plus, it wasn't linking some of our best moms' comments to their blogs. And that's just not cool.

ChiMomWriter April 28, 2011, 2:21 pm

@World's Worst Moms – You can tell your kids she lived to see another train. Many, in fact. She'll even ride the small one in the mall.

She is, however, a little freakish in any sort of heavy wind. She thinks it's after her. I think that's a remnant issue from this.

mominrome May 2, 2011, 8:12 am

I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG! (I am screaming).

mominrome May 5, 2011, 11:26 am

ps: I added you in my blogroll. I hope it’s ok with you. 🙂

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