Gee, Your Hair Smells Horrific

– Posted in: Cleaning, Losin' It, Thank God Your Father's Home, Worst Mom Moments

Say hello to Julie Barbour, a fab mom who hangs out with us on the World’s Worst Moms Facebook page. Julie has the distinct honor of being our very first contributor to be ripped straight off of the Facebook wall. I only wish there were a video.

My son was 13. He was NOT washing his hair, and telling me that he was washing his hair. This went on and on for-freakin’-ever. We talked about it. I demonstrated. I started to list consequences. I implemented consequences. At that age, his friends did not seem to notice smell, so I couldn’t count on peer pressure. I cracked. Turned the shower on, got him in the shower fully clothed, I was fully clothed. I no longer cared how I looked, or behaved. There may have been a headlock. There was definitely struggling. The yelling was something. Who knows who was louder. Bless my husband a thousand times, because nobody else could have snapped me out of it without also getting getting a butt load of angry. He stood in the hall and said to me “You might slip in the tub.” Not “I may need to call the police because you are a danger to yourself and others.” I may have won. Hard to know.

7 Comments… add one

ginger October 23, 2011, 1:10 pm

13 and not in the shower 5 times a day? What is wrong with that boy? And BTW, any sane mother would have done the same thing or taken an electric shaver in the middle of the night. I say you took the route that would cause the least amount of fallout later.

Kelly DeBIe October 23, 2011, 4:24 pm

Verity October 24, 2011, 4:00 am

Love it! At least you went ballistic over something that mattered….I have been known to climb into the shower for someone not being able to tilt her head back to get the conditioner off (after having been in the shower for 25 minutes). You do feel sort of bad later – like are they going to have PTSD if they ever go on a hike to a waterfall and then freak out when the water hits their heads!
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@worldsworstmoms October 26, 2011, 9:17 pm

My son is only 8 and he already stinks after he plays soccer. I'm TERRIFIED to think about how badly the house is going to smell in a few years. The only thing that might save me is that even though he hates the idea of taking showers, once he's in there, it's hard to get him out. And I hear when they're teenagers, some boys pretty much stay in there all day.;)

Julie B. October 26, 2011, 11:48 pm

I have three sons, and the place smells like a Greyhound bus station. Another WWMs friend Claire told me that her friend with 3 boys actually ripped up the carpets and pads, took out all the furniture, painted, and de-gassed the rooms when her boys moved out. Ugh, ugh, ugh. My house is always cold or hot because the windows are always open.

Heather Watts December 5, 2011, 8:01 pm

Julie…. I so could see you doing something like that! Way to go mom:) I too would go to that extreem to make sure that he understood how important self impression as well as cleaness is. I know which one of your three did this! LOL Love you mom!

tracyann March 23, 2012, 7:22 am

I do also have a son but I was lucky because he is honest if he take a bath and washes his hair or not. I think that your son need a better discipline so that he will be able to take good care of his hair and never smell horrific.
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