Guilt 101, Brought to You by the 8-year-old

– Posted in: Elfie, Grown-up Friends, Guilt, Mouths of Babes, Personal Insanity, The Kids are Killing Me, Worst Mom Randomness

So last night, my husband, Tenzin, and I went out to dinner. Grown-up dinner with friends. And a play. We basically have no social life, so this was a big deal for us.

For better or worse (most likely worse — we’ll see in a few years when I get a call from their therapists), we spend a ton of time with our kids. It’s just how our family operates. Tenzin and I don’t take vacations alone because we know we’ll just sit on a beach and think about how much the kids would’ve enjoyed it. And — big surprise — most of our friends are kind of the same way, so we do a lot of things together with everybody’s families.

I don’t begrudge anyone who does it differently. Everybody has to find their own rhythm. And let’s face it — kids will be fine or screwed up regardless. Based on sheer probability, we’ll most likely get one from each category (poor little bastards).

But back to yesterday. When Tenzin is home from work, sometimes he just lets me sleep in (I know — I’m ridiculously spoiled). This is actually because I don’t sleep, so it helps if I can get a few hours in at some point. Anyway, yesterday morning, he got up with the kids and took them to school. Then in the afternoon, he picked them up and took them to Muay Thai (it’s a boxing thing where they beat up other children).

As a result, the kids only got to see me for about 15 minutes (between the time they got home and we took off). Apparently, Elfie, my 8-year-old daughter, was not pleased. So when we got home, we found this note:

Guilt, brought to you by the 8-year-old

“Dear Mom and Dad, Don’t let Mom sleep in tomorrow because I barely got to see her today and I really missed you. I love you. Love, Elfie”

I SWEAR we’re not raising her Catholic. But that’s how I grew up, so don’t worry. Her mother is still giving her a stellar education.

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11 Comments… add one

Rachel December 13, 2012, 2:57 pm

Okay that is really sweet. My kids don’t even notice when I go out. Couldn’t care less. Count your blessings lady! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tammy December 17, 2012, 12:24 am

That’s funny. You should do an experiment to see how long you can stay away without anyone noticing.

Mary December 13, 2012, 4:07 pm

Awe! That is sweet. I totally get the vacation without kids deal. Even at this stage, our last vacation cruise when they had already moved out, we wanted them there. It’s a fact of loving your kids. A lot. I think that makes you a great parent. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tammy December 17, 2012, 12:25 am

I hope we’re like that when they grow up.

Ginger December 13, 2012, 4:58 pm

Ahhh that is so sweet and mean at the same time…we do everything with our kids, but mostly because we don’t want to pay for babysitters and all family is out of state…We went on vacation, alone, once, (first time in 6 years) last year to a wedding in Cancun. It was mostly my husband’s work colleagues and it was the first time we had ever left the kids overnight alone (it was with my Mom) the littlest of course was running a fever three days before we were to leave and was still feeling crumby when we left. She now dislikes her grandmother and the trip made her even more attached to me. My sister lives an hour from my mom and leaves her kids overnight at least once a month…I will admit I am slightly jealous of the ability of her and my BIL to go to concerts and weekends to Vegas. But we never leave our kids….you are not alone…which is why I think we are again kindred spirits…
Ginger recently posted..Our VillageMy Profile

Tammy December 17, 2012, 12:26 am

It’s true. Kindred spirits.

Kristen Daukas December 31, 2012, 7:59 am

Ahahahaha! I love it! Man they know how to dig at us, don’t they?? Hope the night out was worth the pain and suffering you obviously put the kids through. ๐Ÿ™‚
Kristen Daukas recently posted..My 10 Favorite Four Hens Posts of 2012My Profile

Tammy December 31, 2012, 12:48 pm

Yes, poor things. Abused. Beaten down. How ever have they survived this long?

Cher December 12, 2013, 5:47 pm

It really is so sweet! My daughter is always leaving me notes or taking selfies with my phone and setting it as my wallpaper… LOL!
Cher recently posted..Dockersยฎ New Game Day KhakisMy Profile

Vinma December 12, 2013, 6:15 pm

aww..poor thing! I am with Elfie on that! lol just kidding! Your daughter is so adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

Elle December 13, 2013, 2:36 pm

Amazing at this tender age they manage to hit below the belt! Very cute and loveable.
Elle recently posted..5 Reasons Happy People Are (Almost) Always HappyMy Profile

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