Happiness is a Banana Pancake

– Posted in: Bright Side of Life, Food, Sundays in My City, Things To Do with Kids, Worst Mom Recipes

So I can’t cook. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I’m really just out of practice. This is all the fault of my husband who took over the cooking about fifteen-ish years ago. The better he got, the less I did. Now he’s become one of those people who can even look into the refrigerator of some sad college student and come up with something tasty. And I’ve become one of those people who’s proud because she knows two different ways to make a quesadilla.

What really makes me nuts is when he takes one of the few things I can actually cook and “messes” with it. For instance, I used to make beef stroganoff. Not a big deal. Sure, I used the package mix. But then he got a hold of it — adding wine, sauteing mushrooms, and jacking it up with hidden kale. So now I’m back to quesadillas.

Suffice to say, when I do something a little more exciting at breakfast than just popping in a frozen waffle or cutting up fruit for the kids, it’s “special.” Small people who live in my house even get excited when I bother to mix up pancakes (I’m good at pancakes). So today was big. BIG. I used my friend’s “recipe” for banana pancakes. I put recipe in quotes because all she does is mash a banana into whole wheat pancake mix and add a dash of vanilla and cinnamon (I can “dash.” Not afraid of “dashing.”).

Photo by Chef Sunny

I know. The majority of you are completely unimpressed by my efforts. Your 9-year-olds have most likely mastered this already. But hey, you take your victories where you can find them.

Anyway, that’s Sunday In My City — Reno. Don’t know why, but I just love this meme over at Unknown Mami. It makes me all warm and happy. Just like banana pancakes.

Unknown Mami

9 Comments… add one

Michelle April 23, 2012, 6:56 am

I like to cook and I think I'm pretty good at it most of the time but I cannot get pancakes! The flavor is ok, its the texture and fluffiness where I lose points. Oh well, my husband can cook pancakes so I guess that leaves me with… everything else. Yeah, seems fair.
My recent post sunday in my city: menudo

XLMIC April 23, 2012, 9:54 pm

I think you and I cook alike. And so do our husbands…right down to the "taking something I can actually cook and "messes" with it" part!

pbe56 April 24, 2012, 1:11 am

Uhhh…there are two different ways to make a quesadilla???

unknownmami April 24, 2012, 10:42 pm

Oh no, I'm totally impressed by your efforts. I like to eat and I can cook, but let my husband do most of it and making an effort in the morning is beyond impressive as far as I'm concerned.

PartlySunny April 25, 2012, 6:27 pm

I completely understand the texture thing. I've had some pancakes come out like flat rocks. I don't know why that is exactly, but my chef friend told me not to over mix them, and it seems to help.

Thanks for stopping by!

PartlySunny April 25, 2012, 6:28 pm

I don't know if you do this, but one of my standbys is breakfast for dinner. So if he messes with that, I'll be really mad.

PartlySunny April 25, 2012, 6:31 pm

Of course! In a pan or the microwave. I'm oh so very inventive and flexible…

PartlySunny April 25, 2012, 6:37 pm

Thanks Unknown Mami! And thanks for hosting Sundays in my City. Definitely one of my happy places.

Kathryn F. Koopman April 27, 2012, 4:09 am

A very delicious and heavy pancakes. This also made me crave and because of this, I want to make one later for snack.
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