How About Baseball? Soccer? Okay, Curling.

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Mean People, Politics, Religion, Worst Mom Rants

I’m gonna go a little street-rat crazy here. . .

If you haven’t been hiding under a rock, stuck on a deserted island, or buried by the burdens of your house and children (I’m throwing in that last one because I hardly ever watched the news this summer due to the beasties), you’ve no doubt heard that we all hate Muslims.  We, meaning the United States.  Muslims, meaning anyone whose country of origin is somewhere east of us — not including Europe (except, of course, those Turks) — where people cover their heads, pray toward a loud, yelling noise a couple of times a day, and are all secretly training to be terrorists.

Also, if you haven’t been under a rock, you know that our president is actually working with these people (if you even want to call them people) to secretly destroy the country from the inside.  Starting, of course, with an elaborate plot that could only be the creation of an evil genius — it’s called “health care reform.”  Scary, I know.  But stay with me.

Intelligent people will, of course, see through this and quickly realize what’s been staring us all in the face since day one.  Day one, people!  Obama?  Osama?  I mean, come on!  Clearly our president is a closet Muslim secret terrorist who has been training in Honolulu, since birth (in Indonesia, of course), to grow up, become the first black president, and then destroy it with the slow decay of social reform.  Wah ha!  Wah ha ha ha ha!

Okay, just to be clear — for those of you who are like my husband’s grandmother and were born without a sarcasm gene — the previous three paragraphs were indeed me being sarcastic.  Don’t come throw rocks at my house.  Or, if you actually believe all of that crap, well. . . go throw rocks at your own damn house.  Because, frankly, when you spout all of this garbage and believe all of this nonsense, you are, in fact, throwing rocks at your own house.  You are trashing our country.  And that’s why I’m so street-rat crazy right now.

Today I heard that big tub of useless cellular matter (I hate even giving him one more mention in cyberspace) Rush Limbaugh call the president of the United States, “Imam Obama.”  Now, I have nothing against imams, but we all know what that jackass meant.  And frankly, it makes me want to go to the building where he works and run down the batteries on all of the portable emergency defibrillators.

For all of the flag waving and yellow ribbon magnet buying and “Restoring Honor” rallying, why has no one stood up and said, “Exactly what kind of American are you?  What kind of patriot says that about our president?”  You guys are the ones who are supposedly bringing respect back to Washington?  Are you kidding me?

The thing I find most amusing about all of this is that if aliens were studying out planet, I’ll almost guarantee you that their initial report would clump all the “one god” religions together.  That’s how a kid would do it (and yes, I’m now assuming the intelligence of life on other planets is comparable to that of my 7-year-old).  Because when it comes down to it, the Bible, the Torah, the Koran* — all pretty much the same.  All tell you to worship one guy.  All tell you to do nice stuff.  All tell you to do bat-shit crazy stuff.  All tell you to do violent stuff.  You’re all, frankly, not that different.  It’s just a matter of what flavor gets you through the day.

And don’t get all huffy and defensive with the “Of course the Bible and the Koran are different” thing.  Because that’s not the problem.  There’s one book — one book — for all the Christian religions, and you still can’t agree.  You can’t even get along within your own split-off groups.  The Catholics could never be Baptists and the Lutherans could never be Pentacostals and the Mormons, well, they’re just nuts, right?  Because one of my best friends is LDS, and she is nuts (there’s that darn sarcasm again).

So as I tell my kids when they’ve gotten past the “talking it through” point with each other and they’re just basically being whiny, pouty, and disagreeable. . . knock it off!  We’re done with this.  Move on.  And find something else to fight about.

Isn’t that why they invented sports?

*You’ll notice I capitalized all of the sacred books.  This is because I couldn’t find a clear answer as to which should and should not be capitalized, and I didn’t want some jackass to complain that I capitalized “Koran” but didn’t capitalize “Bible” and was therefore some sort of Islamic terrorist sympathizer.  Of course, if said jackass were so dense as to get to the bottom of this blog and still think that, I suppose in his mind, it would be true.  So this paragraph was sort of a waste of time. 

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9 Comments… add one

deborah September 11, 2010, 7:22 am

ahhhhh….i needed that. as the bat-shit crazy ( no offense to the real-struggling-with-mental-illness) keeps showing up in our inbox. even after repeated pleas to not send crap to us. some people are ignorant and some are just hateful. then there's the special ones–they're both. ugh.
oh, and i heart you.

PartlySunny September 11, 2010, 9:04 am

@deborah: Yeah, we have a few of those. Fortunately I've gone bat-shit crazy back on them so they've sort of stopped. I heart you, too.

sandwiched September 11, 2010, 2:40 pm

Yes, yes, and yes! Don't these people HEAR themselves?

Someone pointed to a HuffPo article by Michael Moore today on the whole “Ground Zero Mosque” mess. I donated to the mosque, just to show my support and apologize for all the moronic “Americans” out there who oppose it.

Adore you!

Maeve's Momma September 11, 2010, 2:49 pm

“All tell you to worship one guy. All tell you to do nice stuff. All tell you to do bat-shit crazy stuff. All tell you to do violent stuff.” Best part! Love the post, am totally with you. 😀

trydefyinggravity September 11, 2010, 5:10 pm

I refuse to comment on the grounds that I might end up on some no-fly list 🙂

But what the heck, since I never go anywhere anyway…I'm in total agreement w/you as always. I guess the upside is that Rush didn't call him “Iman Obama” like that idiot in Florida was doing. Iman being the gorgeous supermodel wife of David Bowie.

traceelements September 11, 2010, 5:20 pm

*stands and applauds* You give me hope that all the intelligent people in the US (like you!) will hold out against the morons!
[*goes back to inwardly screaming at the Rubert Murdoch backed press in our own country – btw, sorry about him.*]

PartlySunny September 13, 2010, 5:05 pm

@sandwiched: Great Huffpo article. He so full of, what's that called. . . facts! Adore you, too.

@Maeve's Momma: Thanks. I'm sure that will get me in trouble with someone at some point.

trydefyinggravity: Maybe we should ALL start calling him “Iman Obama” as sort of an homage to his beauty and thin stature. Man that guy is a tool. Don't get into too much trouble or you won't be able to come out and see me:).

traceelements: Hey, we all have our “crazy uncles” who we wish we could stick in the closet during important dinner parties. If only that were true and all of these assholes hadn't acquired money and microphones.

Thanks for reading everybody!!! So good to know I'm not floating out here alone.

CJ September 16, 2010, 5:21 pm

I wonder how many “Christians” would feel if churches weren't allowed in all the places non-christians were persecuted and killed? Or in all the countries that were stolen from their native peoples in the name of righteousness.

Honestly, I just get tired of it all. And I have to be honest – it makes me angry because they give Jesus a bad name.

There is so much hatred out there, we have to stand up for it.


PartlySunny September 17, 2010, 10:08 pm

@CJ: I always wonder how people who are so vocal about the “Ground Zero” mosque, as they're calling it, can completely forget that Timothy McVeigh was Catholic. I don't even want to start going down the road of what that might mean for future building projects. . .

Anyway, you are, as usual, a strong and clear voice that I always love to hear.

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