Hunting for Christmas Trees in the Wild Blue Yonder

– Posted in: Complaining, First World Problems, Holidays, Nevada, Personal Insanity, The Great Outdoors, Things To Do with Kids, This Is Supposed to be Fun, Worst Mom Randomness

So we officially got our asses kicked by a tree yesterday.

At 2 p.m., my husband, Tenzin, and I sprung the kids out of school so we could head up the mountain to cut down our Christmas tree. Tenzin is working every weekend until Christmas, so we figured this was the best solution. Get up there before the sun set, cut down the tree, get home, decorate, and all’s well…

But you know how sometimes you can just feel that things aren’t going to go as planned? Yeah.

When we got up to our usual spot, the snow plows had built a berm in front of the road. So we ended up just pulling off to the side of the highway and foraging in a completely new part of the forrest. This would’ve been fine if there were any trees worth a damn for ten square miles.

We all started out in great spirits. Actually, to be fair, no one ever lost their minds and turned into whining pieces of goo. And I’m fairly certain my husband stayed upbeat throughout the entire adventure because he knew that if he showed any sign of weakness, I’d kill him.

We began by falling down a disturbingly steep slope while carrying an ax and power saw.

Running with Axes

Running with things worse than scissors.

Then came the crusty snowย that children could walk on but adults fell through (at one point, Tenzin and I were crawling on our hands and knees because we were sick of getting stuck up to our thighs). And then, of course, there were no trees.

Knee deep

This is what happens when you forget the snow shoes.

Let me clarify that. There were trees. There just weren’t any good trees. There were dead trees. And trees with branches on only one side. And trees that were thirty feet tall.

At some point, when I realized this was going to get ugly, I pointed out that the farther we walked in, the farther we’d have to carry a tree out. But sometimes my husband doesn’t hear very well when he’s on a mission.

When everyone finally did succumb to the fact that we needed to choose a tree, my daughter, Elfie, chose some crazy specimen that was able to make it through the approval process (I’m still not sure how). And this is when Tenzin decided the kids needed a lesson in how to chop things down with an ax.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m an incredibly. Patient. Person.

When the actual tree-cutting-down process finally began, it turns out the joke was on us. Because the saw we brought — the “cuts through nails” saw — basically looked like an emery board trying to cut through a petrified Slim Jim. We eventually had to wrap a rope around the top of the tree and have the kids and me pull on it while Tenzin attacked the trunk with our pathetically dull ax.

By this time, the sun was almost down, and we still had to make it back to the car. And, yes, turns out we’d walked a long way in.

I’m pretty sure our son, Newt, thought my husband and I were going to keel over dead several times. He kept asking if we were okay. And carrying my end of the tree for me. And saying he was sorry we had to go through all of this. Clearly the poor kid thinks his parents are nowhere near Ma and Pa Ingalls.

Dragging the tree up the hill

The boy steps in for his feeble mother.

When we got home, the tree continued to give us the finger — first by making it hard to cut off the end of the trunk (What the hell was this thing made out of? That metal in Wolverine’s claws?) and then by showing us what a crap-ass choice we’d made by being as aesthetically unpleasing as possible. Let’s just say I’m glad we always put our tree in the corner, don’t put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have the perfect home, and are big fans of A Charlie Brown Christmas.

Decorating our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

Don’t be fooled. This tree is crap. Look closely and you’ll see it only has branches on the front.

And decorating? It was like trying to hug a sappy porcupine.

Next year, we may just give up on this wild tree business and get one that comes from a nice tree farm. I hear they’re bred to be a lot tamer.


19 Comments… add one

Judy December 7, 2012, 3:01 pm

Honestly, what a fantastic family experience for you all! Seriously — your family will never forget this time! Just a little envious here ๐Ÿ™‚
Judy recently posted..Untitled Because I Have No BrainMy Profile

Tammy December 7, 2012, 3:36 pm

Trust me. You wouldn’t have been envious when I was sucking wind at 8,000 feet and thinking I was going to pass out. But you’re right, I doubt we’ll ever forget it.:)

Kathy December 7, 2012, 3:09 pm

Ah memories are made of this ๐Ÿ™‚ And hey, not limbs on the backside means it fits into the corner better. Hehehehee

Your tree has personality ๐Ÿ™‚

Tammy December 7, 2012, 3:37 pm

I definitely fits in the corner. I should show you guys comparison photos from previous years. It’s like the walls have swallowed this one up.

Carol the Long Winded December 7, 2012, 3:12 pm

I got out of having to go tree hunting by having 5 10 year olds spend the night. So husband and eldest went out. Bwahahahahaha

Tammy December 7, 2012, 3:37 pm

I’m going to smack you tonight if I see you. Just because I can…

Megan L December 7, 2012, 3:19 pm

Well the tree might not be prefect but that’s a story the kids should remember for life! I definitely enjoyed it =D
Megan L recently posted..The not-so-happy holidaysMy Profile

Tammy December 7, 2012, 3:38 pm

Well I’m glad. It’s good to know my pain is creating joy for others…;)

Kelly DeBie December 7, 2012, 3:21 pm

This is the stuff memories are made from.
Kelly DeBie recently posted..December Secret Subject SwapMy Profile

Tammy December 7, 2012, 3:41 pm

And you would know. Your family creates memories like this at least three or four times a week. I think they usually end up in the ER though.

Kelly DeBie December 8, 2012, 7:46 am

Not every time. Lol
Kelly DeBie recently posted..December Secret Subject SwapMy Profile

Verity December 7, 2012, 6:45 pm

Hey, at least it wasn’t raining and 40 mph gusts like it was on Saturday for us…. our tree looks remarkably like yours..hmmm. Freakin’ traditions. Hard to break them. I too am fantasizing about a tree from a lot. But when way back in August the girls start talking about “when we go cut our tree”….well, what is a mom to do?
Verity recently posted..Transition . . .My Profile

Tammy December 8, 2012, 1:16 pm

Okay, now I feel a little better…

Auntie December 8, 2012, 10:16 pm

You truly made me laugh… I don’t feel so bad now about spending 3 hours putting your mom and dads old fake tree together!

Tammy December 8, 2012, 10:53 pm

Go ahead and laugh. Next time we’re taking you.

Vinma December 4, 2013, 1:15 pm

Sounds like you guys had a great experience hunting down the Christmas tree and decorating it. In spite of your story on how hard it was, I steel feel like there was a kind of magic involved in your ‘ordeal’ which is very appropriate during holiday season ๐Ÿ™‚

Verity December 4, 2013, 1:45 pm

How are you going to top that this year???

Cher December 4, 2013, 4:07 pm

Look at it this way, you’ve started yourselves a new family tradition a la the Griswolds!
Cher recently posted..Build a Sleek, Modern NightstandMy Profile

Elle December 4, 2013, 6:45 pm

Whilst never having chosen a tree from the wilds, I remember one year in New York State with family spending hours walking round and round looking for the perfect tree for someone to chop down. Every little piece of me was frozen. What can I say I’m a hot house flower from Florida these days.

But it’s true what other commenters have said…this will turn our to be a happy memory…on day!
Elle recently posted..6 Little Things You Can Do To Make The Most Of YourselfMy Profile

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