Liar, Liar, Elastic-Waisted Mom Jeans on Fire

– Posted in: Foot in Mouth, Obsessions, Thanks for Throwing me Under the Bus Honey, Worst Mom Moments

It’s Throwback Thursday. Time to check out one of the “old” World’s Worst Moms you may have missed (old mom STORIES, that is). This came from Susanne Moyle, who blogs with her husband about parenting and everything else at Married Geeks. Her latest post, “Take Your Gluten-Free Cupcake and Shove It,” will resonate with anyone who’s dealt with food allergies.

Photo by Thiago Felipe Festa

My 4-year-old, Braedyn, has a mind like a steel trap; he forgets NOTHING and tends to OBSESS about a particular thing; and he will often relentlessly question something I have said until I am making up a story in an attempt to make the answer one I think he’ll find acceptable. Kind of like the time he kept asking me how Hot Wheels were made. He really didn’t like the boring but truthful answers I gave him like: machines make them, they are made in factories, the cars are designed on a computer, machines put all the pieces together. Yeah, none of this worked for him, so I finally told him that little tiny people made them and that’s how they got all those tiny pieces together so perfectly. That answer appeased his unrelenting inquiry, and he stopped the firing of questions my way. Phew. It wasn’t until months later when we were all in the car and Braedyn started talking about the little people that were building the Hot Wheels that my husband gave me the stink eye, and I had to confess that there were no little people that made Hot Wheels. This seemed to be a tad disappointing to Braedyn, but he quickly moved on to something else. TO. OBSESS. ABOUT.

3 Comments… add one

rachel September 8, 2011, 8:33 pm

Well my stock answer is "that's a great question! I don't know. Let's ask your dad"…..
My recent post Summer's gone.

Runnermom-jen September 9, 2011, 12:19 am

Hahahaha! I think that is a great answer!! I don't know why your husband gave you the stink-eye.

mominrome September 9, 2011, 12:11 pm

I am expecting something similar in a couple of years from now!!
My recent post Party time_N.1

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