Life, Courtesy of the Puppy

– Posted in: Bright Side of Life, Jasper, Sappy Tammy, Worst Mom Randomness

So it’s day six with the puppy. My intention was to post a “Daily Puppy” photo, but trouble with my computer and the fact that the puppy has been kicking our asses has prevented such frivolity. I haven’t felt this out of sorts since we brought the original boy-child home.

I’m not entirely sure what we were thinking when we got Jasper. I mean, when I watch the kids run around with him or I pick him up and snuggle him or I catch my husband doing something adorable like smelling him, then it all seems perfectly rational.

But at 1 a.m. when I’m cleaning up pee because he tricked me into bringing him back inside after initially convincing me to take him outside, he’s not such a bright idea. Nor is he when we’ve said, “Leave it!” for the fiftieth time in ten minutes. Or when he’s eaten half the plants, dirt, and grass in the backyard (I think he must be suffering from pica).

The thing is — and I really hate this — it seems like all the stuff that makes life worth living comes with a price. All of this darn love and affection that we feel for our family and friends and animals always takes work on the other side of it. Without them, life is easier. And cleaner. And quieter. But it’s emptier, too.

So I guess that’s my excuse for adding yet another layer of controlled chaos. Either that or temporary insanity. Or too many pain meds. All completely legitimate excuses, if you ask me.

Just don’t tell the dog. He thinks we got him because of his exceptional personality. . .

And now, for everyone who’s been jonesing for puppy pictures, here you go.

Newt putting on his seatbelt. Jasper still doesn’t really like the car, but at least he doesn’t puke anymore. He just makes high-pitched, eardrum-bursting, yelping noises for the first ten minutes or so. I’m pretty sure that’s an improvement.
I had to go to the Apple Store, and the kids were going to stand outside with him, but apparently Apple is very pro-puppy. Jasper also had his seatbelt on, so this may have given the false impression that he was a guide dog in training. To say he drew a crowd would be an understatement. Elfie said she was pretty sure he was the best part of their day. 

This is Jaspers favorite chewy. It’s made from — get this — braided bull penises. Gotta hand it to them for making sure nothing goes to waste. And maybe they know we’re sleep deprived so they feel the need to give us easy material so we can come up with a zillion jokes and won’t feel too badly about ourselves.

*All photos by Partly Sunny, of course.

8 Comments… add one

Kelly DeBie May 12, 2012, 1:19 am

OH so cute! That's why we don't kill them…because they are cute. Hahaha
My recent post Who is really fighting in the Mommy Wars?

pbe56 May 12, 2012, 1:51 am

By the way, Spanky has a "date" tomorrow, so we'll see what develops….

ginger May 12, 2012, 2:02 am

I was just thinking….WTF did I doooooo..Hubby went out of town today. Me alone w/ two kids and the dog and Mother nature decided that today of all days it is going to be chilly and overcast and kinds snow and sleet and maybe throw some hail in there too. Not that I would ever knock getting rain, but darn it…

PartlySunny May 12, 2012, 8:04 am

Exactly! It's the same with children. But I guess evolutionarily speaking, teenagers should be adorable.

PartlySunny May 12, 2012, 8:04 am

Oh boy. This should be interesting.

PartlySunny May 12, 2012, 8:06 am

Oh that just sucks. My husband is working all weekend, too. So I'm in the same boat. But at least the weather is good so that when I'm standing outside, waiting 30 minutes for Jasper to pee, I'm not freezing my ass off…

I've said it once and I'll say it again — what the hell were you and I thinking?

@GraceInAZ1 May 14, 2012, 5:17 am

Such a cute puppy…er, um, pesky little guy! All the extra work will be worth it – one day you'll be past this stage. In the meantime, as you have already discovered, he is great blog material! Good luck to you~__Hugs, GraceinAZ

PartlySunny May 16, 2012, 6:06 pm

He's definitely great blog material. All I can say is, it's nice when he's sleeping.:)

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