Now What?

– Posted in: Lying, Punishments, Sex, Teenagers, Worst Mom Moments

This parenting saga comes to us from GG, who blogs at The Glad Gardener. With four older stepchildren plus a 4-year-old in the house, she has plenty of material. And it’s no wonder why she loves going outside to get dirty.

I have an ongoing battle with my 15-year-old (Cassie, short for Procrastinator). She has very poor school habits that she clings to like it’s the last piece of pizza in the buffet. So I tried to work with her on these things, offering help, trying to get her to talk to her teachers if she didn’t understand things, creating a schedule so she might be better organized in life and also have dedicated homework time every day. I started the grounding after these things didn’t seem to help. I told her that she couldn’t go to her friend’s on the weekends (one of her favorite pastimes) unless she turned in all her late/missing assignments. I had a list and come Friday, I wanted to know that they were done or she couldn’t go over to her friend’s house. She told me they were done, and I would later find out that not only were they NOT done but after the weekend away more stuff was missing.  I decided to then take away her phone, internet, and spending time with her friends.

On the night I told her that she had 20 minutes to say goodbye to her friends and I needed her cell phone, I received a text from her saying, “I know you will judge me but I am coming out of the closet.  I am Bi and am dating ****.” My first thought to this was, “What does this have to do with your terrible grades?!?!?!” I did not text her that though. I came up with something “Politically Correct” like, “Ok, regardless of that you still have to get your grades up so I will need your phone in 10 minutes.”

This was a couple of months ago.  I was hoping to see her grades improve.  She goes to tutoring for her math class three times a week and sits down at the table (I see her) for her dedicated 2 hours to do homework, but her grades are still awful.

One night, I am not sure what started me thinking about it but I wanted to find her cell phone. I looked in the place I normally keep it (my nightstand drawer) and I couldn’t find it. . . so I looked in other places thinking I might have put it elsewhere and forgot. I couldn’t find it anywhere in my room. I was beginning to get very angry. I went to the room she shares with her two older sisters and asked to speak with her. I asked her “Where is your cell phone?” She said (can you believe it), “It was an emergency!!!” OK. . . What kind of cell phone emergency could she have had? If there was an emergency she could have used the house phone (which is hooked up in her room) or borrowed her sister’s phone. I called her on her BS right there and told her to get me her phone AND the charger. When she brought them to me I asked her what made her think that she could go through my stuff and look for ANYTHING!! I was SO mad.

I figured she could be grounded forever at this point — I could care less. However, I came up with something better. I told her (when I could stand to talk to her again without being pissed) that if I EVER found out that she went through my things again OR was doing things that she was grounded from that I would take her cell phone, put it in a Ziploc bag and pound it with a hammer. That got her attention. So far the phone is still in its new hiding spot.

So now this leads me to my next quandary with this situation. I won’t let Blue, who is 17, spend the night at her boyfriend’s house because I feel that she needs to wait until she is 18.  (Please don’t ask me to explain this. . . I just don’t think she needs to be spending the night at her boyfriend’s house before she’s 18 or older.  She needs to experience sneaking around to have sex just like the rest of us did).  However, if Cassie IS bi-sexual (and I have no problems with it one way or the other) then how can I let her spend the night at her friend’s house even if they are just girls?!?!  In fact, how can I let her spend the night at ANY of her friends’ houses after this? I wouldn’t let Blue spend the night at a boy’s house even if they weren’t dating. I also can’t really let the friend stay here either (even though I would supervise them) because I wouldn’t let Blue’s BF spend the night.

Here is my thing. Life isn’t fair and sometimes the rules you have for one you can’t have for the other. I like Blue’s BF but wouldn’t want him to spend the night here. I also like Cassie’s friends and wouldn’t mind them spending the night here. Maybe it’s because I don’t think that Cassie would “do anything” here but Blue might?  I am not sure.

It’s still a mystery. I am open to any suggestions.

10 Comments… add one

Getrealmommy March 26, 2011, 9:10 am

Umm. Speechless. You have your hands full. I got nothing. I'm still dealing with little boys fighting over hot wheels. You are in the advanced group my dear….

Heather March 26, 2011, 1:30 pm

We had the EXACT same issue with my then 17 yr old stepdaughter (she was a lesbian) except the issue was letting friends stay at our home. Our solution was that friends could come over, but no doors were allowed closed when friends are over, for any of our kids. Nothing they are doing in their room is so private that the door needs to be closed. Kind of sucked for those who we weren't concerned about, but sorry kids, no sex in my house. I agree, sneak around like we all had to at that age, LOL!

I've got 4 kids, plus 4 step kids – and all but 3 are teenagers – I SO feel your pain. Good luck!!

Heather @ A Table for One, Please

diane rene March 28, 2011, 8:41 am

oh, why can't kids just be the same?? we go through these issues as well … some kids struggle to make passing grades while others breeze through with little effort and come up smelling like roses. life is unfair, and sometimes the punishments are too.
I find, with each child, I have to figure out what works. one of my daughters doesn't “get it” until I throw it in her face and make her cry (even then it usually only lasts a month or so). the other one needs to hear, “I'm very disappointed”, and the third (who is 7) will never do what she is asked until it is HER idea … I'm still working on this one.
we had grade issues with the oldest daughter in HS and one day took everything out of her room – TV, internet, phone, ipod, etc. she had instant grade checks every thursday at school and for every two weeks that she went without missing an assignment, she earned something back. it was tedious, and I think it was harder for me than for her, but we did it.
it didn't fix the procrastination (or the laziness), but it gave me something to hold over her head for the rest of her life …

Psycho Therapist March 28, 2011, 7:09 pm

I totally support different rules for different kids in a scenario like this. I mean, sexuality is a significant difference here, after all.

Green Monkey March 29, 2011, 10:17 am

I so belong here! I haven't felt this excited about a blog since I found the one where the guy vents about everything that pisses him off.

Now… the post.
REALLY WELL WRITTEN! Loved the line..”she clings to like it’s the last piece of pizza in the buffet”

my suggestion.. they are all master manipulators. Don't react to what they say after you set your guidelines, rules, etc. Lead with your head but rely on your gut.

I once had a counselor tell me to respond to my daughters distain with one of three phrases…
“tell me more”
“I'm sorry you feel that way”
“I love you”

She was 15 then. She's 20 now. but….I'll save that for a blog post.

STAY strong!

Without sounding too melodramatic…

words of wisdom from a mom who once told her son to “get his shit together” and an hour later, he killed himself.

dosweatthesmallstuff April 1, 2011, 11:53 pm

Sorry, can't help there. Mine's only one, and she's 6. I'll get back to you in 10 yrs time.

GG "The Glad Gardener" April 2, 2011, 5:35 pm

I will make you a deal. In 10 years or so look me up and I might be able to help you with something.

The story gets better… check out my Blog for an update.

World's Worst Moms April 3, 2011, 12:52 pm

Okay, after reading the follow-up, I can safely say that GG has me beat on so many levels in the crazy life department right now. Holy crap!

GG "The Glad Gardener" April 4, 2011, 9:06 am

That seriously made me laugh WWM thanks for that.

Yes my house is never dull. We have had it all, it seems. I have found that it's all in how you handle things. I like the message that the Serenity Prayer gives:

“God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.”

I live with knowing if this is something that I can't change, then I shouldn't stress about it too much.

Anonymous April 4, 2011, 10:26 am

Yes, differnt rules for differnt kids. But, is this different? Sexuality still boils down to what we hope will be a respectful and wonderful experience. The issue of bisexuality may have side-tracked you. Ignore that for a second, and remind yourself what your rules are. They may still apply.

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