She Wore Blue. . . Toenail Polish

– Posted in: Beauty, Worst Mom Reviews

Well, I gave it the old college try.

I’m not a dark blue nail polish person.

The other day, while trying to kill time in Target (this alone was remarkable since I can’t remember the last time I was trying to kill any time, anywhere), I picked out some funky new polish for summer. I’ve gone dark before — brown, plum that almost looks brown, wine that almost looks brown (yes, very adventurous). I’ve done orange. And bubble gum pink. I bought bright chartreuse and I’ll admit the only one who’s used it so far is the 7-year-old, but I’ll get there. I’m thinking yellow might work. And I’ve even ventured into light blue before.

But the dark, dark blues?

Photo by Tammy Soong

The other day I painted it on, thinking it would look cool with my new swimsuit. Bear in mind that I’m possibly the world’s palest person. Let’s just say that figuring out which shade of foundation I should buy is never a question. You can see my veins through my skin. It’s kind of like being a vampire only I don’t have to drink blood or constantly make brooding faces like those people in the Twilight movies.

On top of being alabaster, I have something called Raynaud’s phenomenon. Basically blood doesn’t like to go to my fingers and toes, they get really cold, and then they turn blue. I don’t think anyone really believed me until we went to a science museum with one of those infrared sensors. Everyone else was yellow, orange, and red, and I looked like I was wearing blue gloves.

From Get Cynical

So I suppose it kind of freaks me out to look down and see really, really blue toenails when it’s bad enough having to see slightly bluish ones now and then. Not to mention, I can’t help but feel a little like I’m entering the Ms. Universe Pageant (the real one).

But I’m sure James T. Kirk would think I’m kinda hot.

6 Comments… add one

Wombat Central June 17, 2012, 2:58 am

Do your hands get red when you're hot? I have the red hands when hot/blue toes when cold thing, and a few people have asked me if I have some syndrome that starts w/ the letter R (I can never remember what it is, but I think it's what you have). I also used to date a guy who called me Alabaster. I think we need to stir up some Wonder Twin Power fun here… go blind people with our paleness. Of course if you're too young to get the Wonder Twin reference, I'mma just quietly slink away and smear some self-tanner on all m'parts.
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Ludicrous Mama June 17, 2012, 8:08 am

Mine turn white and go numb. Something to do with my low blood sugar (same thing can happen with diabetics as well.) I have to put my feet up for an hour or more per day. Doctor's Orders, Honey! You'll have to go change the baby!

My (now) 4-year old almost always comes with me to the nail salon (we go once in a while for Girls Night Out with my in-laws,) and I let her pick the color for my toes. So I've had some wild and garish choices!
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andrea June 18, 2012, 4:00 pm

I so wish I had toes meant for nail polish! Not that my fingernails are any better suited!
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PartlySunny June 18, 2012, 4:30 pm

Of course I get the Wonder Twins reference. I loved the Wonder Twins! Although I always sort of felt sorry for the boy because seriously, how many things can you really end up doing with water.

I'll bet you have Raynaud's. I've never gotten the red hand thing, but the blue toes are sort of a giveaway.

PartlySunny June 18, 2012, 4:35 pm

Okay, do we ALL have this?

There are few things more dangerous than letting your 4-year-old pick out anything.

PartlySunny June 18, 2012, 4:37 pm

I do indeed have some long-ass fingers and toes. And nails to go with them. But I hardly ever put polish on my fingers. It makes me feel weird (I know, I'm freaky).

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