The Girl who Cried Pancakes

– Posted in: Guilt, Illness, Lying, Puke, School, Worst Mom Moments
Photo by Sue Bauzys

For Kelly DeBie, who blogs at DeBie Hive, the title of World’s Worst Mom isn’t good enough. She’s gone intergalactic. It’s like the Miss Universe beauty pageant — reigning supreme on just earth is not enough. But has anyone ever thought about what might pass for pretty 4,000 light years away? And with that in mind, who knows — the folks on that other planet may think Kelly’s doing a fabulous job with her kittens, er, kids.

I bestowed upon myself the “Worst Mom in the Entire Universe” award a few days back. I think it’s an award that we all receive at some point, whether it is proclaimed by a child or self-imposed. Luckily, there is only one of them, so we never get to hold onto it for long — some other mom will always come along to snatch it away.

The reason I won the award involves vomit. So, right there, you know it’s not a pleasant story. Aidan had a stomach bug earlier in the week, but it was a short one and he went right back to school after a day off. Two factors were at work there. First, the child has the weakest stomach known to man. Anything can make him throw up. Second, he thoroughly enjoys a day off, even if it means he has to throw up every so often. Anyway, after less than 24 hours, he was back up and going.

Wednesday morning was a drama filled one. Once a month, the school district has a late start day, and though Aidan and Ashley get a few hours off in the morning, Ally doesn’t. To compensate for the fact that she gets to go out to lunch and just generally gets do a lot more stuff than they do, I always try to do something with them on late start mornings. She found out I planned to take her older siblings out for breakfast while she was being forced to go to school. And she wasn’t happy about it. And when she isn’t happy, no one is.

I stuck to my guns, and drove her to school. I brushed off her whining about her tummy hurting, because that is her go-to fake illness. She uses it any time she is in trouble, wants to stay up late or isn’t getting her way. You could say she is like the boy who cried wolf, at some point, I just stopped believing her. Besides, when she is really sick, she tends to curl up in a ball and lay on the floor. She was doing neither, and wasn’t running a fever. Plus, she ate breakfast just fine. So, off to school she went. And off we went to eat some pancakes.

During breakfast, her teacher called to tell me she was complaining about her stomach hurting. The teacher, who knows Ally very well, agreed with my assessment that she was probably faking. She told Ally that she talked to me, and that we had decided she needed to stay at school.

We finished breakfast, then I drove to school. The older two start about the same time that the preschool gets out on late start days. I dropped the other two off and waited out front for Ally’s class. One teacher walked out, pulled me aside and gave me the news. Ally had just thrown up. As they were lining up to leave. All over one of her classmates. Ugh.

I went back to her classroom and apologized to anyone that would listen. She was a mess, and the custodian was already cleaning up the worst of it. I felt horrible for the kid who caught the brunt of it. At least she had on a huge coat, and it didn’t get anywhere else besides the coat and her backpack. Knowing your child has vomited all over another one isn’t pleasant though, even if the damage wasn’t that bad.

I took Ally home, gave her a bath and found some jammies for her to wear. Beating myself up in my head already, though a part of me thought maybe she had done this to herself. Maybe, just maybe, she got herself so upset that she made herself sick. Her teacher and I were on the same page about that. That is, until she came down after her bath. She spiked a 102 fever and fell asleep almost instantly on the couch, not moving for over 2 hours. Even Ally can’t fake a fever.

I’m not psychic. She tends to fake tummy aches. I didn’t believe her. But I didn’t believe her when I should have. And a little girl in her class paid the price for my unwillingness to believe her. Guess she didn’t just want pancakes after all.

I’ve already surrendered the award. I didn’t keep it for long. Someone else out there earned it just after I did. And we all do, at some point. No matter how hard we try, all of us will screw up occasionally.

I just wish my screw up didn’t have to involve vomit.

9 Comments… add one

The Glad Gardener June 3, 2011, 4:11 pm

I think you did just fine. I would have done the same thing. I can understand feeling bad about it though after the threwing up all over a classmate but when that's her fall back whenever she wants something or doesn't want to do something… what else are we to do?

Handflapper June 3, 2011, 5:01 pm

I always said both my boys would die of appendicitis, the older one because he would complain about being sick and I wouldn't believe him and the younger one because he never complained at all.

It was probably a good experience for Ally. Maybe she'll think twice about faking a stomach ache again!
My recent post What the hell I just published this without a title I blame in-law overdose

@worldsworstmoms June 3, 2011, 5:08 pm

I can't believe your story went up the day after I did this to my own kid! I basically told him to suck it up yesterday morning when he said he had a sore throat (thought he had allergies). When we picked him up from school, he was cranky and tired, and I STILL told him he needed to buck up. Then I got home and took his temperature. Oops.
My recent post The Girl who Cried Pancakes

Kelly DeBie June 3, 2011, 5:12 pm

Told ya I didn't get to keep the award long….someone else always comes along to swipe it. LOL

Demismom June 3, 2011, 10:34 pm

Ugh! Same thing here only daughter threw up on my shoes while waiting for the bus. I was so worried about my job i had convinced myself she just had allergy drainage.

Latest WMEU June 3, 2011, 11:12 pm

My daughter had Celiac (now gone thanks to NAET). I know all about Celiac and gluten intolerances from 20+ years of working with kids with autism. And yet… As a toddler, she'd vomit if I put her to bed after a pasta dinner. So I'd wait an hour between pasta and bed. She was late to toilet train due to no solid bowel movements for ages. When she did toilet train, constipation was her constant companion; she'd poop no more than twice a week. As a 6 y.o., she started complaining daily of a tummy ache. I saw her tummy get distended. I KNEW there was something wrong. But I still convinced myself that she was just anxious about school. She had an awful awful teacher and we had no options for moving her, so I was sure it was anxiety. Until I finally figured out that she was Celiac and took her off all gluten. And within three months, no more tummy aches. Ever. Even though she still had the awful awful teacher. So… let's see… by my calculations, that's FIVE YEARS of missing obvious signs and not believing my daughter didn't feel well. Woo-hoo! I just SNATCHED that award out of your hands, Tammy!

Rebecca Grace June 5, 2011, 1:22 am

Oh baby, if that's your worst mothering moment, you're doing fine. Maybe someday I will share my Bad Mommy moments, but it will be under an alias, or maybe under a rock or something. Vomit comes, vomit goes — mean words last forever.
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Michelle June 7, 2011, 9:39 pm

I am a returning champ on this award which is why I was drawn to your blog. Check out my blog on ” target=”_blank”> I am the Idea mom. BTW I am now following you and a big fan. Bad mommies need to stick together.
My recent post Big Foot- the Skunk Ape- and the Booger Monster

marie makulilo July 13, 2011, 8:09 pm

Sorry, Kelly, just getting to read this. Truth: one morning, when I was in kindergarten, I complained just like Ally. My Mom had to come get me from school, after I threw up on the carpet during, story-time. Worse, my teacher, Mrs. Haggerty, she even looked really old and haggard, yelled at me for not having the forethought to throw up in the bathroom. As if I knew it was going to happen. This memory will probably serve me well with our children. It is tough being a kid.

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