Wait For It, Wait For It. . .

– Posted in: Accidents, Videos, Worst Mom Moments
It’s Squidnice, our resident smartass, with the World’s Worst Moms video debut.

A picture’s worth a thousand words.  Video is even worse. . .

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3 Comments… add one

VM Sehy Photography October 5, 2010, 1:31 pm

Don't feel too bad. When my son was four, he liked going on this slide at a park we used to go to. The steps were steep. The top of the stairs was about eight feet off the ground. One night he slipped (the steps were also metal) and hit his head to the way down essentially hitting the woodchips in a belly flop. I had a heart attack. I thought man I knew I should have been at the bottom of the steps and not the bottom of the slide along with all kinds of other guilt induced thoughts racing through my brain. Fortunately, he was fine. He split his lip and that was it. Having kids will give you a few gray hairs, that's for sure.

PartlySunny October 5, 2010, 9:24 pm

Could be the opposite problem. I have a friend of a friend who's such a helicopter parent that she actually gave herself a concussion diving to catch her kid (who was in no real danger) at a playground. She hit her head on a pole.

Verity October 6, 2010, 9:13 pm

I just love that he kept filming. All the way down the slide….hysterical. But, I have to admit, I can't watch it again. The anticipation just killed me. I knew she was going to fall, but the waiting!

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