When Microwaves, Swings, and Puppies Attack

– Posted in: Accidents, Dogs, Elfie, Jasper, Newt, Sundays in My City

The last few days have been a little crazy, so I’m just going to throw it all into one big mishmash update.

• The microwave is home. A very nice man named Steve took it back to his workshop. He fixed it up there, and he brought it back here (just like the Grinch, only he wasn’t lying about it). If you live in Reno, I highly recommend Mountain Vista Appliance Service. Totally mom-and-pop. I think they fix everything, and they’re pro-puppy (and no, they didn’t pay me to say any of that).
Snaggle Tooth
• Newt busted his tooth when he did a back flip off the swings at school and landed on his face. Apparently he was attempting to avoid capture during some game (he admits it wasn’t the smartest maneuver).
Turns out you should go to the dentist even when your husband says, “It might just be a chip. I chipped my tooth when I was a kid. . .” In our day, you’d just live with your war wound and deal with the fact that you couldn’t breath through your mouth without causing yourself excruciating pain. Nowadays, they X-ray you, numb you up, and build your tooth back up so you don’t look like a carny. It all works out especially well if your kid is so distracted by the overhead cartoons that they could do open abdominal surgery on him and he wouldn’t even notice.
• And finally, there’s the dog. Jasper gained two pounds in a week. Poor Elfie has started lifting weights (no, not kidding) so she can stay strong enough to keep carrying him. She’s doing a good job of putting him in his place most of the time (we’ve been teaching her how to show him she’s the dominant one in the pack), but Jasper is definitely vying for her spot in the pecking order. I think it’s because she’s the shortest.


But how do you fault him? The cuteness is just overwhelming.

Hanging out at Qdoba

New Favorite lounging spot
Okay, second new favorite lounging spot
This is when you know it was a good decision
So there’s my Sunday. Hope yours is going well, too.

Unknown Mami

18 Comments… add one

Kelly DeBie May 20, 2012, 2:49 pm

Snaggletooth!!! My daughter had one, fortunately on a baby tooth. I can't tell you how many years of my life I have been repeating "put your hands down!"

Loving the puppy….
My recent post Time and Distance

pbe56 May 20, 2012, 7:39 pm

Also, a dog will chase anything that runs away, especially if it squeals like a rodent! 🙂 He's too cute!

Nita May 20, 2012, 9:03 pm

Happy Sunday! loved your post, kids and puppies can't get much cuter than that. May this week be full of joy and less full of last weeks adventures.
My recent post Sunday In My City: Blustery Day

Keetha May 20, 2012, 10:53 pm

I don't think I'll let hubby see this puppy post – – – he wants another yellow lab, and I'm just OVER cleaning up the messes and getting up the hair – – –

That is one cute puppy.

andrea May 20, 2012, 11:48 pm

Oooh, I had a chipped front tooth fang, that I swore was for a week back in fourth grade, but my mother says it was fixed the next morning. My son fell and knocked out a baby front tooth, and somehow managed to chip the permanent one coming in behind it–so that was nice! Glad the tooth was the only damage from the swing acrobatics!
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PartlySunny May 22, 2012, 12:12 am

I don't know what he was thinking. Actually, no, I know what he was thinking. He was trying to get away from a girl who was chasing him in this game they were playing, and he decided risking mortal injury would be a better decision than being caught.

PartlySunny May 22, 2012, 12:13 am

We're attempting to get that into the head of every child that comes over. It isn't working.

PartlySunny May 22, 2012, 12:13 am

Thanks Nita! Thanks for stopping by. I have a feeling it'll be just as adventurous. Hopefully just as joyous.

PartlySunny May 22, 2012, 12:15 am

He is ridiculously cute. There's no getting around it. I don't know if you've read earlier posts, but he's half lab and half Finnish Lapphund. Just for the record.:)

PartlySunny May 22, 2012, 12:17 am

I know that we all have a different sense of time as kids, but I know just what you mean. Sometimes I can't even imagine enduring some of the stuff I feel now as a kid. It would feel like a lifetime.

And that's impressive. Two teeth with one blow. He's got talent!

Padded Cell Princess May 22, 2012, 9:08 am

That little puppy snarl that you can hear in the video is the sweetest little sound! What a cutie!
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Rebecca Grace May 22, 2012, 5:03 pm

I wonder if the girl who was chasing your son was threatening to kiss him? Before we know it, our little boys will be running after the girls instead of away from them.

Your golden puppy is too cute.
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unknownmami May 22, 2012, 6:44 pm

That is one adorable dog. Ouch on the chipped tooth.
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PartlySunny May 23, 2012, 12:54 am

He sounds a little like a Tasmanian Devil. Apparently Finnish Lapphunds are really noisy when they work because reindeer are kind of unruly.

PartlySunny May 23, 2012, 12:55 am

I didn't HEAR that version of the story, but who knows. From what I understand, it was some sort of tagging-ish game. But yes, I'm guessing we're in for that soon.

PartlySunny May 23, 2012, 12:56 am

He was a lot braver than I thought he'd be with the tooth thing. I probably would've needed a xanax.

crayon May 25, 2012, 1:56 pm

It's not nice to find this post hilarious, is it? I shouldn't have had coffee in my mouth when I read the word "carny"…
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PartlySunny May 26, 2012, 3:38 pm

I'll take hilarious any time. Except maybe when you're talking about my appearance.

And you've gotta love any situation when you can insert "carny."

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