Where Did Mommy Poot My Tooth?

– Posted in: Forgetting, Worst Mom Moments

Here’s entry number two from Verity over at The State of Being Real.  I personally don’t know who came up with this whole Tooth Fairy thing in the first place, but I’m guessing it wasn’t a busy, frazzled mother.  I mean, seriously.  We have to do this dance 20 times per kid? 

My oldest daughter, who I call Queen Bee, finally lost her top front tooth.  It’s been loose for weeks, enabling her to do all sorts of gross things with it.  We’ve been calling her snaggle (short for snaggle tooth) for the way she could make it stick out between her lips with no other teeth showing.  So this tooth has been the talk of the family for weeks. 

Well it finally came out on Tuesday — so night of celebration and exciting tooth fairy planning?  Uh, no.  That is our night out and the sitter pretty much gets to our house when I get home.  So we had about 10 minutes of high-fives, looking at the hole in her mouth, looking at the tooth, and then rush, rush, rush.  Go over dinner with the sitter, get changed, look at homework, feed the dogs, and I’m out the door.  Didn’t think another minute about the tooth.  I put it on the top counter, very obvious to anyone over 4 1/2 feet tall.  Oops.

When I got home, after the kids were asleep, the babysitter informed me that Queen Bee was very upset that she couldn’t find her tooth to leave for the tooth fairy.  She had looked everywhere and couldn’t find it.  So now the dilemma — do I put it under her pillow for her, or not?  Would she want the dollar, or want the experience of putting it under herself?  I chose to wait, figuring I could apologize in the morning and talk up how now Daddy could see it (he had been out of town until Wednesday night). 

Well the morning was a disaster.  On top of the fact that I have to get everyone up, ready and out the door by myself since my husband was out of town, I had clearly made the wrong choice when it came to the tooth.  QueenBee was so upset she wouldn’t speak to me (or do anything to get ready) for 30 minutes.  Which of course led to frantic scrambling to get out the door, coupled with some yelling.  Always good to yell at a kid that is already down, right? 

Here is the topper — last night I found a note she had written to the tooth fairy.  It had slid down the side of her bed.  Here is what it said:

Photo by Verity

“it is som were here
my mom poot my
tooth somewhere.
I can not find it.
I hope you can
find it.”

No mom of the year prize here, I tell you.

4 Comments… add one

Steven September 27, 2010, 6:07 am

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traceelements September 28, 2010, 5:17 pm

My kids got very used to the tooth fairy being so busy, that she sometimes never got there the first night. Sometimes even the second night!

Love that note… soooooo cute. I'm sure you worked it all out the next night, didn't you?

Could cheerfully strangle whoever came up with the tooth fairy/easter bunny/santa concepts. It's turned us parents into consummate liars!

PartlySunny September 28, 2010, 11:55 pm

Hey guys,

Just wanted you to know that I removed “Steven's” comment due to the fact that his profile let to nowhere and his URL was nondescript enough that there was no way I was clicking on it and possibly getting a virus or something. And therefore I certainly wasn't about to have one of you click on it like a sacrificial guinea pig. Steven, if you're out there, legit, and want to give me more info, feel free to email.

Rebekah September 29, 2010, 10:48 am


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