Where Oh Where Did My Teenager Go?

– Posted in: Forgetting, Misunderstandings, Teenagers, Worst Mom Moments

This story from “Mary Worth” is about her teenage son “Thor.” Good to know that those of us who’ve already been screwing up our young children still have plenty of work ahead.

The bad parenting moments don’t end at a certain age! Oh no, they don’t.

My eldest son, 13, went to his friend’s house to spend the night. They left on the (city) bus from school, so I didn’t. . . think. Yes, that’s the right word. My mother was visiting, and she asked when he would be home. Didn’t know. Did Thor know he had to be home by 3 p.m.? I was sure he’d be home by then. Whose house is he at? M’s mother’s house (the parents are divorced.) Where does she live? Don’t know.  Do you have her phone number? Uh. . . no. . . Does Thor have his cell phone? No, he lost it. But M has a cell phone. Do you have M’s phone number? No. Where does his mother live? Oh, I think my husband knows but they just moved so I don’t think we know. . .

Thor called, and he was at M’s FATHER’s house. Whose phone number I didn’t have and whose name I couldn’t remember.

See the heights you have to aspire to? I get double points for having my mother getting increasingly worried while I showed my complete ignorance of where my child was.

9 Comments… add one

Luna March 19, 2011, 3:29 am

Oh My God! I totally feel for you……

XLMIC March 19, 2011, 10:09 am

LOL! having lived through 6 teenaged stepkids, I can so relate to this one! I am glad all turned out well 🙂

letmestartbysaying March 20, 2011, 5:32 am

Oh boy. Oops!

On a much smaller scale, my almost 6yo son goes to a friend's house straight from school on the same day every week.

Last week wasn't the first one when I had to call the friend's mom and ask “ummm…he's coming over, right? Am I supposed to pick him up at some point?” I totally forget that sooner or later he needs to come back home. So I should probably, you know, find out whether I'm supposed to go get him or if he's getting dropped off & what time so I can actually be there to recieve him.

PartlySunny March 20, 2011, 10:03 am

I hate when this happens. I feel like I forget details all the time (lately I feel like I'm in a constant fog), but when it has to do with the kids, I always think, isn't this one of those “big things” that my brain should automatically put at the top of the list? Like turning off the stove and putting on my seatbelt? But no. The whole situation just becomes like a scene from Peanuts when the grown-ups talk in that woh woh woh woh voice that you can't understand, and I just sort of nod in agreement.

-Tammy (World's Worst Moms)

Getrealmommy March 20, 2011, 7:13 pm

Don't you hate it when your mother points out YOUR flaws as a parent? My mom has the knack for subtly doing this all the time. Things like “Do you really think it's safe for them to be climbing on the table with a kitchen knife?” Okay… so I exaggerate a bit, but I feel like she is constantly discovering all of my mommy flaws!

GG "The Glad Gardener" March 20, 2011, 8:05 pm

I have been there with my step-kids. Once kids reach a certain age you just kinda trust them to be where they say they are going to be. Don't worry so much. Mom's always have a knack to be around at your worst moments (or your children's worst moments)

diane rene March 21, 2011, 9:47 am

I never feel dumb about things like that until someone else points out that I really should know! darn them all!!

Briosogirl March 22, 2011, 11:47 am

My teenager told me she was spending the night at a friend's house and then went camping at a public park where there had been a shooting the year before. She still doesn't see what the big deal was. I feel like the world's worst mom because 1) I didn't know where she was and 2) when I found out, I wanted to shoot her in the park.

Heather April 4, 2011, 3:14 pm

Having a house literally full of teenagers…I can sympathize. Been there done that!!

LOL @ Briosgirl!! My teen recently told me he was staying at a friends house, only I find out he's at a house party at another friends house. ONLY found out because the friend in question jumped off the 2nd story balcony into the pool but didn't quite make it (not seriously hurt). Party over. Nice that I had no clue my son was even there. I wanted to throw HIM off the balcony.

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