At Least Paul Ryan Would Bring Laughter to the White House

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Okay That's Funny, Politics, Worst Mom Randomness, Worst Mom Rants

Well, it’s official. After watching the vice presidential debate and running into these two little gems on the internets, I’m totally screwed if the Romney/Ryan ticket ends up in the White House. Because there’s absolutely, positively no way I’ll ever be able to look at Paul Ryan and not start laughing my bloody arse off.

Part of this isn’t his fault:


And part of it is:


And yes, this picture is real. And recent. You can see the rest of them here. That is, if you feel like you can handle the truth.

More importantly, and in all seriousness, please don’t vote for these guys. Especially if you’re a woman. Or if you like women. Or if you consider women to be, you know, thinking, sentient beings…



14 Comments… add one

Kimberly October 12, 2012, 4:27 am

As a sentient female, I approve this message. Seriously, Ryan tried hard, and I acknowledge that. But when your ideas are fundamentally flawed and you refuse to give specific details about your plans for the future of the country LESS THAN A MONTH before the election, I cannot take you seriously. Also, Paul Ryan looks a little like a basset hound.
Kimberly recently posted..I’m BackMy Profile

Tammy October 12, 2012, 1:29 pm

Yes, the lack of specific details is troubling. “Trust us” from a couple of guys who change their opinions every time they step in front of a different group of people really doesn’t hold much water.

Joann October 12, 2012, 5:33 am

Why would I not vote for them just because I’m a woman?

Tammy October 12, 2012, 1:30 pm

I was going to attempt to answer this, Joann, but it’s just to long. So here:

Hope that helps.

Carol the Long Winded October 12, 2012, 6:39 am

A friend of mine described Ryan as the Ichabod Crane of the GOP.
And please, don’t you know women’s bodies actually belong to men? (Sorry, I am about to lose my mind because I read stats on the rates of sexual abuse among the disabled, and it seems like you are less likely to be sexually abused.)

Tammy October 12, 2012, 1:35 pm

It’s hard enough to explain to the kids that there are women in other countries who have barely any choice in what they can do with their lives. It just kills me to think that there are so many women here who don’t value what the women who came before us went through so that we could do what we do — vote, own property, have safe abortions, use birth control, marry who we want to. We take it all for granted.

Christi October 12, 2012, 7:20 am

Yesterday, I listened as a woman told me that she’s done having children so she doesn’t care about birth control or women reproductive rights. I have decided to become a hermit.

Tammy October 12, 2012, 1:35 pm

Slaps palm on forehead.

Possum October 13, 2012, 12:16 am

Are you serious!? It’s people like that I worry about putting in a voting booth. I personally am also done having kids. Don’t need birth control and I have all boys. I still would like for THEIR girlfriends, wives and daughters to have the same if not MORE rights over their bodies and choices as I do now. If these two get voted in they are screwed.

andrea-maybe it's just me October 12, 2012, 3:59 pm

OK, I am scared…and embarassed because I can’t figure out what is going on in the video diary…what the what?!?!?!
andrea-maybe it’s just me recently posted..52 Weeks of Happiness – Week 31My Profile

Tammy October 13, 2012, 12:30 am

Oh Andrea. I just love ya. Mainly because you’re so much like me — I have to look up and double check crap like this all the time because it confuses the hell out of me. Okay, so the crazy people at bad lip reading take video, and then they look at it and put words they “think” could possibly fit if they were reading lips. Honestly, I think they’re freakin’ geniuses because if I did this, it would just come out totally unfunny and stupid. In the Paul Ryan case, they also put in a fake background and threw in some arms. But you’re not nuts. It’s totally random.

Joann October 14, 2012, 3:45 pm

I guess I just see myself as more than a pile of reproductive parts. I’m not voting with my vag anymore than I think men should think with their penis.

I’ve NEVER had health insurance that covered birth control, not because I’ve ever (thankfully) worked for a church, it just wasn’t covered. At $8 or so a month, it’s not something I worried about. I also don’t expect insurance to pay for condoms.

As far as abortion, we have laws in this country that limit what we do in order to protect others. It stops being about our body when another life is harmed. There’s a heartbeat at 5 weeks. That’s not sending anyone back to the 50’s, it’s modern science.

Tom October 15, 2012, 4:23 am

The Pill and condoms are not equivalent. The Pill has plenty of other medical uses, as I’m sure you know. It is simply a medication, scientifically speaking and should be treated as such. That’s the difference. One party wants to treat medicine for women as “medicine” the other wants to treat it as something else.

As for abortion, your opinion is certainly reasonable. But it is by no means the final word on the subject. You are right that we have laws in this country. And our laws don’t define life as anything with a heartbeat. One could say it makes sense that life begins at conception. But then one must consider the puzzle: Which is more valuable- 1,000,000 fertilized eggs in petri dishes or 1 person? Most people would say the person, no? That would seem to indicate that what we call a human life doesn’t begin until sometime later than fertilization. So when is it? The first heart beat? The first brain waves? At any rate, the matter is certainly not for religion to decide, so far as our society is concerned. And that’s the difference between the parties: one attempts to be rational, one arbitrarily decides when life begins.

Tammy October 15, 2012, 6:24 pm

Well said, Tom. Joann, I didn’t really feel like I could answer you well enough in a comment response, so you actually inspired me to write a whole post!

By the way, thank you for reading and commenting. And doing it in such a thoughtful, respectful way. I really appreciate it. It’s not easy being the odd voice out.
Tammy recently posted..I Don’t Vote with my Vagina. But I do Vote FOR It.My Profile

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