Deja Vu

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Cranky Tammy, Dogs, Elfie, Getting Older, Grief, Mom dying, Momless, Newt, Parenting, Personal Insanity, Travel, Vacation

We're less than two weeks away from the anniversary of my mom's death, and I stupidly (and, yes, incredibly) thought this would only be difficult on the actual day it occurred and not all the days leading up to it.  But then what would I know -- I'm a newbie mourner.My first clue was when [...]

Of Ants and Elephants

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Grief, Momless, Mouths of Babes, Parenting, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy

We've been watching Life, the behemoth new documentary series about animals, and we just saw the "Mammals" episode. There's a section where a baby elephant gets stuck in a watering hole and her young, inexperienced mother tries to get her out. Things keep getting worse until finally the grandmother comes over, pushes the mother out [...]

The Birthday Present

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Cleaning, Getting Older, Gratitude, Grief, Mom dying, Parenting, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy, Vacation

I cleaned my house today. It was my birthday, and I cleaned my house.Now, some people may think this sounds like the absolute worst possible birthday they can imagine. I say "some" because I already know that there are plenty of other people (mostly friends of mine with kids, big houses, and busy lives) who [...]

Resting in Pieces

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Elfie, Getting Older, Grief, Growing Up, Mom dying, Momless, Newt, Parenting, Personal Insanity

Dear Mom,I had a dream this morning that I was talking to you on the phone. Not about anything important. I think we were discussing something you'd seen at Costco. It's only the second time I've dreamed about you since you died, so we're not talking mass visitation here. I've always told the kids that [...]

And So This Is Christmas

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Elfie, Gratitude, Grief, Grown-up Friends, Holidays, Mom dying, Newt, Parenting, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy

Yes. Christmas. If you've lost a loved one, you have to "make it" through two big things: the funeral and the holidays. The former is like a party you've worked really hard to plan at a church you don't attend with all of your best friends who are crying their eyes out. This is all [...]

Especially Today

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Elfie, Grief, Grown-up Friends, Kid Friends, Mom dying, Newt, Parenting, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy, Tenzin

Dear Mom,Newt finally learned to ride his two-wheeler this weekend! On the last official day of summer vacation, days before stepping into his first grade classroom, he pulled it off. That's such classic Newt. Remember how he took his first steps a week before his first birthday? With him it's all about due time and [...]

Head, Meet Chicken

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Chronic Pain, Cleaning, Elfie, Newt, Parenting, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy, Worrying

Today has been one of those run-around-like-a-crazy-person days. The kind where there's so much to do in your house that you keep getting distracted by equally opposing forces (I'll just put this leftover pizza in the fridge so it won't spoil. That is, after I take the clothes out of the dryer so they won't [...]