The Angry American — Debt Ceiling 101

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Corporatism, Cranky Tammy, Lying, Mean People, Mouths of Babes, Politics, World Gone Crazy, Worst Mom Rants

My husband and I were so pissed off and yelling so loudly last night that I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard us.Don't worry. Not yelling at each other. Well, sort of yelling at each other. More yelling in tandem. We'd watched the president's speech on the debt ceiling -- all was well. My 8-year-old was [...]

The 2010 Holiday Letter

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Dogs, Family, Green Living, Grown-up Friends, Holiday Letter, Mean Girls, Money, Parenting, Politics, Worst Mom Rants, Writing

So every year, for about the past fifteen years, I've written a holiday letter. It's kind of how this whole blogging thing got started. As you might imagine, my letters weren't exactly laundry lists of the fantastic trips we'd taken or stories about how the kids came home with "Student of the Week" bumper stickers. [...]