Heavens to Betsy! Women Writers?!

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Corporatism, Okay That's Funny, Politics, World Gone Crazy, Worst Mom Rants

From Jezebel.com

There’s been a whole heap of nasty stuff being thrown around about women lately. I mean, back when I was twenty, if you would’ve suggested that we’d be bickering about safe access to abortion or questioning if an assault victim “asked for it” in 2012, I would have chortled (because I did and still chortle often).

But the craziness never seems to end. Just today, I heard that my friend asked her accountant (a woman and staunch conservative) what she thought of Rep. Todd Akin’s (R-Missouri) comments about “legitimate rape,” and the accountant said, “I’d never put myself in the position to be raped.” So I guess she never goes outside? And has bars on her windows? And hung onto her mother’s leg all throughout childhood? I. . . don’t even know what to say.

Anyway, when my husband sent me this little bit of levity, I was positively giddy with joy to share it because I’m kind of exhausted. You should’ve seen my family watching Paul Ryan at the Republican National Convention the other night. With all the yelling at the screen, throwing of hands in the air, and pausing the DVR to explain to the kids what the facts were (which happened a staggering number of times) we must’ve looked like we were watching a football game. A really scary, expensive football game with no referees and two or three Black people.

Anyway, onto the fun. Introducing. . .”Bic for Her.” That’s right, ladies. Apparently all this time, we’ve been writing with boy pens. Ew. Cooties.

From inquisitr.com

People are just mocking the hell out of these things. And rightly so. They’re kind of like that ridiculous Dr. Pepper drink for men only (which I personally avoid because of all the added testosterone. . .).

Jezebel has pulled some of the better comments about the girl-friendly pens, but they’re all on Amazon UK. I suggest reading them with an English accent. It makes anything snarky sound funnier (*note to self — change blog location to Great Britain).

Happy Friday gang!

15 Comments… add one

Claire August 31, 2012, 3:57 pm

But wait! There is more good news:

pbe56 August 31, 2012, 8:58 pm

Claire, I don’t know you, but thanks just so much for ruining my dinner. The picture as is is just so fifty years ago.

Tammy September 4, 2012, 7:24 pm

We have these. And Elfie plays the online game where you change your outfit and your hair. I can still hear the music. Still. . . hear. . . the music. . .

Kelly DeBie August 31, 2012, 4:02 pm

Best RNC description ever.

Tammy September 4, 2012, 7:25 pm

Why thank you.

Kate August 31, 2012, 4:06 pm

Guess she never went for a bicycle ride either… a friend of my sister’s was riding her bicycle one day when a driver ran into her, knocking her unconscious. When she came to, he was raping her.

Yeah, don’t ride bicycles… that’s just asking for it. 😐

Tammy September 5, 2012, 3:15 pm

That is a horrible, horrible story

She Said August 31, 2012, 4:19 pm

I’m reeling over the accountant’s comment. It is infuriating actually because it implies that women who are raped PUT themselves in that position, placing the blame, yet again, squarely on women’s shoulders. Thank you republican brain washing.

I’m going to go sigh heavily some more.

Tammy September 5, 2012, 3:16 pm

I know. I do a lot of sighing lately.

pbe56 August 31, 2012, 8:56 pm

Really, I virtually NEVER cuss (it’s so unLADYlike :)) but oh FOR FUCK’S SAKE! FIFTY years ago, when I was a little girl, I remember wondering why, when I told everyone I wanted to be an astronaut, they just kind-of smirked; and when I found out why I was furious.
What testicular-impaired man is so afraid women as to have to girly us up in order to feel like a man???
ARGHHHH! What on earth are we going to do if Romney wins?

Tammy September 5, 2012, 3:17 pm

Well, first of all, I think we’ll all be writing with Bic for Her pens…

andrea-maybe it's just me September 1, 2012, 11:40 am

Is there a keyboard for women yet, you know for when I blog instead of writing out my grocery list for lady items, with my lady pen?!

Tammy September 5, 2012, 3:18 pm

Yes. It has dainty keys that are very close together for your very graceful, tapered finger tips. And it won’t type cuss words.

Kelly O'Sullivan (HILWD) September 3, 2012, 3:31 pm

Oh I KNOW I would have loved watching the RNC with you. There was lots of yelling at the TV in this house last week—of course, that was in-between my cooking dinner, doing laundry, and taking care of the kids while my husband had a cocktail relaxing in his recliner. ;P

Tammy September 5, 2012, 3:19 pm

Well I hope he was comfortable. That’s really all that matters.

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