Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Battery

– Posted in: Mouths of Babes, No Good Deed, Worst Mom Moments

CC, who sent us these stories, has already shipped one of her kids off to college — the other is still at home, busy being a giant ball of hormones. But when CC started racking her brain for World’s Worst Moms ideas, she decided to reach back a little bit. She says she has a mind like a “steel sieve” after years of work and motherhood, but she seems to have some pretty clear memories of the toddler years. Practically every parent has had at least one of these moments of complete humiliation — when she realizes her child is actually a human tape recorder. 

Honestly, I have suppressed some things, so I thought I would start small. My eldest, who as a toddler had already turned stubbornness and procrastination into an art form, spent a day getting into anything and everything. She had no nap. Therefore, I had no nap. Caffeine was wearing off. I had been reading a book about how the most common toddler word was “no” because they copy you when you (ahem) raise your voice. I was determined to stick to distraction and positive reinforcement.

I turned my back. Bad things happened to the VCR. I screamed, “OH GET A HOBBY.” Next doctor’s visit, she tells him to “Get a hobby!” And I had to explain.

AND. . .

It’s not my story, but an acquaintance and her hubby used to fight in front of the kids. . . no filters. Their magical thinking was that they were in the front of the van and the kidlet was in her car seat not paying attention. At a holiday dinner, tot said, “Milk!” as a request, and grandma asked the tot, “What’s the magic word?” Tot proudly announced “F***!”

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7 Comments… add one

Dianerenem April 12, 2011, 7:47 am

I know I am a WWM for even saying this, but I love it when toddlers can repeat curse words and use them correctly. sarcasm fits in there as well.
I'd never heard that children repeat what you yell, I'm gonna have to try that with some of the younger children in the family 😉

rebecca April 12, 2011, 8:15 am

I think it's cute when the little ones swear……I secretly laugh.

XLMIC April 12, 2011, 9:24 am

Seriously lol over here!
I'm like the other two commenters… it makes me giggle… behind my hand so they can't see.
But I don't encourage it AT ALL!!!

Mishj April 12, 2011, 9:02 pm

I had a friend with a toddler, who belted out her first “sh*&.” When her mom asked her what the word meant, she replied “Cars don't go fast.” Since her mom was the one who usually drove her around, she knew that she only had herself to blame.

Rkargas April 12, 2011, 10:32 pm

I admit I am the one my children have had the opportunity to copy from! My mom actually tells a story of me at 2 years old standing at the top of the stairs and stamping my feet yelling “damn it! damn it! damn it!” over and over again. I bet I was pretty darn cute 🙂

Worlds Worst Moms April 19, 2011, 12:10 am

One of my favorite movie scenes of all times is from an obscure Al Pacino film called “Author, Author,” where this little kid gets all bent because his dad criticizes his clothing choice (he says he looks like a pimp). “These are the only clothes I've got, damn it.” My kids cussing, not good. Other people's? Hysterical. I know, I'm a jerk.

Anonymous May 14, 2011, 11:20 pm

“Momma? What's a douche bag?”, asked little Ben from the back seat!

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