Jasper versus the Yogurt Container

– Posted in: Dogs, Elfie, Food, Holidays, Jasper, Videos, Worst Mom Randomness

I thought about doing a somewhat serious post today about Memorial Day and the need for increased veterans’ services, but if you’re not a heartless jerk, you probably already know that. And the thing is, I’ve had a sort of exhausting week, so I think I’ll just hit the easy button and write about the puppy. Besides, my uncle, who’s one of my favorite veterans of all time, is a huge dog nut.

And let’s face it. You people would rather hear about the puppy.

First, a little background. Our last dog, Uno, loved yogurt. He’d take the empty containers to the the backyard and lick them so clean that they didn’t even attract bugs after he’d abandoned them.

So the other day, we gave Jasper his first Brown Cow yogurt container. And he flipped out. As George Costanza would say, it was like sticking his whole head in the bowl.

Elfie took this video. I’m probably the only one who’s amused by her being amused by him (I’m her mother, it’s my biological prerogative). And incidentally, if you knew me as a kid, I’m pretty sure this is exactly how I sounded (in fact, I may have still sounded like this up until about 10 years ago — people at my husband’s work apparently thought he was some kind of pervert whenever I called and said I was his wife).

  [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4SzX5reLWw]

At one point, we were slightly concerned that Jasper’s head had gotten stuck in the container and he was passing out from lack of oxygen. But it turns out, he was just in a catatonic state of peace.

Imagine what the world would be like if a yogurt container could do that for everybody.

10 Comments… add one

Dave May 29, 2012, 1:00 am

Cooper loves homemade "freezy pops". Yogurt (32 oz.. plain or vanilla), a banana, two Tbs. peanut butter, 1-2 Tbs. honey if using plain. Blend together and pour into 4 oz. cups and freeze. Seems to benefit his digestion. We use left-over Frosty Paws cups. I've got extra if you want some.

Andrea May 29, 2012, 4:21 pm

The yogurt cup might not get me through the day, but your daughter giggling might! So sweet!
My recent post Oh Canada!

Padded Cell Princess May 30, 2012, 1:34 pm

It's almost like you took an adorable puppy video and then dubbed the most adorable little giggle on top of it! Both of them were too cute!
My recent post WhY d0 P30PL3 Ty3p3 L1k3 Th15???

Wombat Central May 31, 2012, 11:09 pm

Puppies make everything better. Well, except for your flower bed. Where do you live that you're still wearing warm jackets? I don't need an address for stalking purposes–just a general region. 😉
My recent post Wordless Wednesday – Alfresco

alexandra June 1, 2012, 4:50 am

I want a puppy. I really have to think about this…

PartlySunny June 4, 2012, 5:24 pm

I'm going to have to give that a shot, so yes, I'll take the cups. He used to be obsessed with ice, but that's ended. He'd run over whenever he heard us at the dispenser. Now he runs over whenever he hears the popcorn maker.

PartlySunny June 4, 2012, 5:25 pm

Sometimes I can't tell between her laughing and crying, so it's really hard. Freaks me out. I've done a lot of running for no good reason.

PartlySunny June 4, 2012, 5:27 pm

Thanks! She definitely loves her Jaspy.

PartlySunny June 4, 2012, 5:28 pm

Like you could ever stalk me. You can come visit! We live in Reno, Nevada, and we were experiencing our usual Memorial Day weather. Totally warm until that weekend when it turns back to winter and everyone insists on going camping.

PartlySunny June 4, 2012, 5:30 pm

Okay, you do not want a puppy. Ginger at Spicey Mom can back me up on this. The puppies are trying to kill us. They just look cute. They're like gremlins.

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