So Long Sunny

– Posted in: Blogging, Personal Insanity

This is a really weird post to write…

Starting tomorrow, Partly Sunny, Chance of Rain is going to be surrounded and sucked away like a bacteria being engulfed by an amoeba (can you tell what the dinner conversation was at our house?).

In an effort to keep from going even more insane, I’m combining my blogs. As much as I hate to lose my “Sunny” pseudonym, I couldn’t figure out another way around it. Maybe you smarter, cleverer people could’ve, but I never asked, and now it’s to late. So dang.

Anyway, as of Monday, if all goes well, you’ll have to find me over at my other blog, World’s Worst Moms. I promise to keep writing dark, depressing, ranting, raving commentary on why we should all move to Canada and reassess our decisions to have children. And even if you’re a dude or not a mom, you’re still welcome. Don’t let then name scare you off.

Thanks so much for sticking with me. I hope you all realize what it does for my self-esteem to know that people other than my husband like to read my blog (and truth be told, he doesn’t read it most of the time, so you’re actually nicer than he is).

See you on the other side…

Peace, Love, and Legitimate Rainbows,

P.S. Because I’m moving to WordPress, Google Friend Connect is going to go bye-bye. So it would be super-cool if you’d sign up for email (no spamming, I swear), join us on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest, or add me to your feed (RSS) over at World’s Worst Moms. Thanks folks.

6 Comments… add one

Ginger August 25, 2012, 4:31 am

Good luck Tammy…I'm with you all the way!!! Who else can I share puppy horror stories with…Mine recently ate so many crayons it looked like a unicorn pooped in the backyard…

Kelly August 25, 2012, 5:05 am

Cheering you on!!!!!

PartlySunny August 25, 2012, 7:00 am

Ginger, how the hell am I supposed to wallow in any kind of pathetic sadness when you write crap like that. You're making me spit on my computer screen.

PartlySunny August 25, 2012, 7:01 am

You really are one of the best cheerleaders.

Wombat Central August 25, 2012, 12:02 pm

Mapquesting my way over there right now. 😉

My recent post While I Was Out Shopping

andrea August 25, 2012, 5:28 pm

Oooh seeing the button right there on the left reminded me to change the one on my own blog for you! Good luck with the move!
My recent post 52 Weeks of Happiness – Week 24

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