
– Posted in: Travel, Worst Mom Rants

We’re staying home this Thanksgiving, and I have to say I’m, uh, thankful because I frankly wouldn’t be terribly excited about going to an airport at present.  Don’t get me wrong — I’m as opposed to being blown up in an airplane as anyone else.  But I can’t say I’m psyched about the current security options being required to fly the friendly skies.  It kind of breaks down like this:

• In theory, I’m not against having some Tron-animated, sci-fi, naked rendition of myself being perused by a TSA agent.  Even if that person is so pathetic and sad that he/she actually gets some sort of rise out of it.  But I have a feeling that once I set foot inside the real-live inviso-dresser-de-underwearer 3000, I may have second thoughts.

• I’d sooner drink a genetically modified salmon shake out of a plastic cup from China that’s flaking off painted pictures of Disney characters than trust the FDA with a big sweeping statement about $170,000 machines that have already been ok’d for use all over the country.

• I’m not thrilled about the idea of someone feeling me up.  My husband barely ever gets to do this, so he may become so enraged watching another person be allowed to do it that it could lead to some sort of international incident.  And incidentally — and sorry to be so crass — what exactly do they think they’re really going to accomplish with this?  Have they never heard of padded bras?  Or those chicken cutlet things we put next to our boobs to make them look bigger?  Or maxi pads?  Or Depends adult diapers?  I mean, this is just off the top of my head, and I can already think of some serious loopholes.  But then, I haven’t been through the pat down.  Maybe the breast check is less like copping a feel and more like a mammogram.

• And, on a side note, if I had reservations for Wednesday, especially with kids, I’d scrap ’em.  Because nothing says “fun holiday trip” like a sit-in at the security check.

The thing is, I think I’ve figured out what all of this up-in-arms, freaking-out, clamoring chatter (which I’ve just added to) is all about.  It’s not that we don’t need security on our planes.  But I think that once again, we’re being hoodwinked.  It finally dawned on me when I heard that Rep. John Mica (R-Florida) is very concerned about people because the screening is very invasive.  Basically my ears perked up because a Republican said something that sounded like he sort of cared about people.  But then I figured it out — Mica wants to privatize the TSA.  Just so happens that he’s gotten thousands from donors linked to screening companies.

Mica also helped write TSA legislation.  Now, someone smarter and better at research than I am will have to figure this out, but I’m just wondering if it’s a coincidence that the TSA is suddenly crossing the line and getting out of control — just enough to piss off the American consumer.  I mean, it’s a brilliant plan.  The government certainly isn’t going to just give up the contracts, so the TSA has to be shown as incompetent enough that the people demand someone’s head on a platter.  Security breaches didn’t do it.  Sure, people were ticked, but you didn’t see an uprising.  But this.  Feeling people up and overtly molesting their kids in front of them?  Or sticking them in a questionably safe screening machine (The “questionable” of course being questionable.  It was probably a PR leak, and, hell, I fell for it.)?  Like I said, brilliant.

And now — now — fewer people will start flying.  And the airplane lobby will start yelling.  And then the Chamber of Commerce will start screaming.  Because we can’t lose money.  So the only viable option is. . . drum roll please. . .


We’re all so easily distracted.  Like that dog in Up who can’t finish a sentence if he sees a squirrel.  But don’t worry, I’m sure after this time, we’ll all be able to stay focused and keep our train of thought.  I’m sure after this time, we won’t get fooled ag— . . . terrorist!

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9 Comments… add one

Ted and/or Laura November 23, 2010, 2:06 am

It's interesting here in Chicago they privatized our parking meters…to a HUGE uproar, screaming, yelling, foot stomping, shouts of fraud and impeachment…but still all the politician talk is privatize privatize (even in the same commercial…gah talk about double talk). So if they privatize the TSA is there going to be competition? Can I choose which security firm I wish to have a firm grip on my tits?

Maeve's Momma November 23, 2010, 7:02 am

Doesn't surprise me at all – I love your comment that it sounded for a moment like a Republican cared about people – you can totally tell that's when they're taking $$ off someone.

deborah November 23, 2010, 7:17 am

NAILED IT!!!!!(and you made me use captitals) personally, the feel up might not be so bad. i've had some bad dates–but accomplish nothing. either we're appeased or we're screaming, “squirrel”.

He Said November 23, 2010, 8:10 am

Your right on target, and it's already happening in some areas at the local level. It would be really interesting to know what political ties these companies have. To top it off, top choices probably have Dead Peasant policies. aarg.

Verity November 23, 2010, 11:34 pm

God, Sunny, you are so right! Do you think anyone in the mainstream media will connect the dots like you did? We know Jon Stewart will see it, of course…. I have to admit that the full body scans don't really freak me out, personally. I don't really care about someone seeing “everything.” But I don't have any medical conditions that could cause embarrassment, plus I'm used to practicing Bikram yoga in a room with people not wearing too much – so I'm not too squeamish. But I have 3 girls – and the idea of them going through this machine does freak me out a bit. Not freak me out like I think TSA is doing a bad job. They are probably doing the best they can when you have to work while everyone is shitting on you (figuratively, of course) all the time.

trydefyinggravity November 24, 2010, 1:01 pm

funny, just had this same conversation with my libertarian vegan husband last night. guess which side he's on? I'm right with you, of course, as always, could there by any thought that you and I wouldn't think alike on this?

VM Sehy Photography November 24, 2010, 10:17 pm

My worst nightmare is having another semi-quasi government entity. Like the post office or Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. (I think that's right.) You can't sue these organizations because they are government agencies. And yet, whenever it suits their purposes they claim to be a private company. Right. I really don't need security to be this way, too. I'll be hard pressed to ever fly again.

PartlySunny November 24, 2010, 11:12 pm

Okay, I need to a) figure out an app so I can respond to comments underneath each comment, or b) get quicker at responding to comments. This is what happens when your kids are on vacation an won't leave you alone. Anyway, thanks for all of the thoughtful, funny, insightful responses. You crazy, well-informed thinkers, you. . .

The Empress December 1, 2010, 1:43 pm

I dread having to go through this at christmas.

We laugh about it, but, it's not funny.

Spinning wheels for nothing. you know?

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