Hell’s Kitchen

– Posted in: Accidents, Food, Injuries, Worst Mom Moments

jillsmo is a mom of two boys who blogs at  Yeah. Good times.  She is, in a word, audacious.  This is not your momma’s blog.  That is, unless your momma’s blog was written by an irreverent truck driver.  These two stories come from her apparently accident-prone kitchen.

In the Mornin’. . .

The scene:  We’re in the kitchen.  The kids are both asking endless questions:  “Is breakfast ready yet?”  “What can I eat while I wait for breakfast?”  “How many more minutes until breakfast is ready?”  “Why isn’t there food in my mouth right now?” etc.  I’m trying to be patient and explain that just because 30 seconds ago I spoke aloud the words, “I’m going to go make breakfast,” it doesn’t mean that it’s time to eat already (I mean, come ON, guys, at least let me make coffee!).  They’re milling around and I’m emptying the dishwasher and I turn around, with a frying pan in my hand, and Child 2 has suddenly materialized out of nowhere directly in front and underneath me like some kind of freakin’ poltergeist and I SMACK him right on top of his head with the frying pan.  It made this perfect THWOK sound.  And then I YELL, which definitely made things worse, “OH MY GOD!”  Breakfast preparation was subsequently delayed by another 10 minutes.

In the Evenin’. . .

Tonight at dinner, Child 2 was complaining about having to eat chicken (don’t ask).  He was saying something about how he wanted me to trust him in the area of chicken eating; not entirely sure what that was about, but it was one of those moments that required some careful negotiating because the tears were welling up and he was having a “want to be a grownup” moment involving chicken, and right then I moved my hand in a weird way, I guess, and accidentally spilled his water glass (ice included) all over the front of him.*

*Nine out of 10 child psychologists agree that pouring ice water on a child will hamper the “chicken is good” argument-resolution process.**

**This is complete crap made up by the WWM’s website.

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12 Comments… add one

Verity November 21, 2010, 1:17 am

How is it that children can just materialize behind you, completely silently? The rest of the time, we can hear them plenty loud (I totally get the, “what can I eat while waiting for dinner?” — one time LittleBug asked if she could have candy to get her tummy ready for dinner. What does that even mean? Ever since being at a party, my kids now ask if they can have an appetizer before dinner. Does this look like a restaurant? Sorry, now I'm just venting!) But back to the spontaneous materialization – or apparition, for those Harry Potter fans. It is freaky. I have knocked over many a child in the kitchen because of this. It is always when I am rushing around trying to get dinner ready for THEM that this happens . . . and often when I have a hot pan or knife in my hand. Seriously – we should put bells on them!

Dena November 21, 2010, 7:32 am

Jill, what I want to know is after the THWOK and the OMG, did you hear the Looney Tunes theme song? Did your kid go yai-yai-yai-yai as if he was on a spring? Was there a second after it happened where his face was pan-shaped before popping back out to normal?

The Paisley Abbey November 21, 2010, 8:24 am

I love your blog! Very funny! I found you at the Lady Blogger Tea Party.

Big Daddy Autism November 21, 2010, 12:08 pm

Um, you missed lunch. Was Child 2 still in the ER at lunchtime?

jillsmo November 21, 2010, 12:27 pm

Dena, that is so weird, because I guess he decided to run out of the room but his feet just made circles and circles and kicked up a bunch of dust for some reason but he didn't actually go anywhere!

PartlySunny November 21, 2010, 12:30 pm

Dena, I'm never going to be able to get the Looney Tunes thing out of my head.

Getrealmommy November 21, 2010, 5:42 pm

Too funny, as a mom of two very hungry morning munchkins myself I can relate all too much. Next time do what I do-skip the frying pan, go for microwave pancakes, Yeah, I suck like that.

frazzledmomma November 21, 2010, 11:32 pm

DENA!! BAD Bubbe!! Aw, hell. Who am I kidding. I'm so dang proud of my Bubbe. You totally made the Looney Tunes thing a promotional tool for this blog on twitter! It amazes me that you don't rule the world……. 😉

Getrealmommy April 7, 2011, 12:31 am

Too funny, as a mom of two very hungry morning munchkins myself I can relate all too much. Next time do what I do-skip the frying pan, go for microwave pancakes, Yeah, I suck like that.

Big Daddy Autism April 7, 2011, 12:31 am

Um, you missed lunch. Was Child 2 still in the ER at lunchtime?

Dena April 7, 2011, 12:31 am

Jill, what I want to know is after the THWOK and the OMG, did you hear the Looney Tunes theme song? Did your kid go yai-yai-yai-yai as if he was on a spring? Was there a second after it happened where his face was pan-shaped before popping back out to normal?

Carol D. April 14, 2011, 11:16 am

Hilarious! Kids truly say the silliest things. I am actually running out of things to say. Aren't they precious? – Carol

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