
– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Grief, Growing Up, Momless, Newt, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy

I’ve been sad a lot this week. Some of it has to do with my son, Newt, turning nine years old. All I can think is that nine is half of eighteen, so mathematically speaking, we’re half done (although in reality, I’m sure he’ll be sick of me long before that). And then there’s the guilt. Because like many moms who get annoyed on a regular basis, I constantly fluctuate between wishing the kids would leave me alone and agonizing over the fact that my time with them is quickly slipping away (I’d say all moms do this, not most, but I read certain blogs and am convinced that some people must either be way nicer than I am or on much better meds).

Anyway, what’s really got me down this week is my mom. I miss my mom. This is the third birthday Newt will be celebrating without her. He was five when we first heard the news that her cancer was back. I can still remember her, standing in my family room at Newt’s party and reassuring my husband and me. I remember what she was wearing. I remember how she looked when we all sang “Happy Birthday” in a whisper because the party wasn’t on Newt’s actual birth day, so he thought we should sing it “small.”

Yesterday, I took the kids to some loud, bouncy, arcade-y place that’s meant to torture sane, adult humans. Anyway, as I sat there, waiting for them to finally drop dead from hypoglycemia and fluid loss (I really didn’t feed them much in the morning), I watched a grandmother with her grandson. She didn’t do anything remarkable that anyone else would’ve noticed. She just hugged him in a way that my mom would’ve hugged my kids. And damn. It really hurt.

I don’t think I realize how much I block out the fact that my mom is gone until something slaps me in the face like that. I just go along my day, pretending I haven’t called her in a while. And then I get some tiny reminder that she’ll never be calling me back. She’ll never know what an amazing kid Newt’s become. She’ll never see his comics or hear him sing or read his stories about robots. She’ll never come to another birthday party.

And worst of all, Newt will never see her face light up when he walks into a room to let him know that he’s the most special boy in the world.

So that’s why I’m sad this week. Memories that I assumed would be fading away by now have managed to stay as fresh and vivid as the day they happened. But I’m grateful. I don’t want to forget. In many ways, it’s the forgetting that makes me saddest of all.

Because really, I don’t want her to go away again.

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15 Comments… add one

Clara November 13, 2011, 1:06 pm

Sorry 🙁 We are going through some stress over my grandmother who is fading fast, and the holiday season makes it particularly awful. Will she still be here for Thanksgiving? Christmas? And what if she isn't? I am so sorry for your loss, and sorry that happy moments can make you go through it again.

andrea November 13, 2011, 3:00 pm

So sorry to read that you have such sadness right now, but happy to read that your memories are so grand.

My oldest son is 14 and the guilt over a bad mood lessens a bit because it becomes more understandable for all of those concerned. Oh, and you don't have to go to the bounce houses anymore.
My recent post Sweet Sixteen

Verity November 13, 2011, 4:43 pm

Oh, friend…hugs. It's so hard. I get teary when I think about my mother-in-law never getting to know my girls. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I am here for you.
My recent post Disgusted

Rachel November 13, 2011, 5:23 pm

Powerfull post. It hurt to read it. I have thinking a lot about aging lately, and with that comes the knowledge that my parents won't be around forever, and I can't imagine my life without my mom. It sounds like your mom was taken too soon. I'm sorry. Thanks for sharing.
My recent post Best Email. Ever.

Kelly DeBIe November 13, 2011, 5:59 pm

Tammy, you know that I completely get where you are coming from. I can't help but find myself envying complete strangers sometimes, sad that my children will never share those moments with my father. It hurts. At the same time, watching your son get older is hard too, and I know that pain as well. No one really ever prepares you for the fact that they grow up. Every day they need you a little less, and every milestone for them is something that we, as mothers, mourn a bit. Hang in there. xoxo
My recent post Necessary Evolution

@GraceInAZ1 November 14, 2011, 5:35 am

Oh, I'm sorry I found your blog on such a sad day for you…but I send you hugs from this Grandma and lots of love! I am visiting from Notes From The Second Half blog. Just sayin' Hi and hope you'll follow me back. I also blog at – come visit if you can! 🙂 Hugs, GraceinAZ

Meredreth Maynard November 14, 2011, 1:41 pm

Sharon – you don't even know how spot on this was for me today. My son's birthday also is this month – turning nine – and we are still mourning over the loss of his meme and his papa in 2006 & 2007. Thanks for posting this – it really meant a lot ot me today.
My recent post Holiday Dinners

PartlySunny November 15, 2011, 9:06 am

I'm so sorry Clara. We had the same thing happen with my grandparents and it just sucks. The holidays are suck big life markers. I didn't notice it until people stopped being around.

PartlySunny November 15, 2011, 9:08 am

See, now I really feel terrible because I should be enjoying the little buggers before they become teenagers… 😉

PartlySunny November 15, 2011, 9:08 am


PartlySunny November 15, 2011, 9:10 am

I never thought I'd be in this boat. I thought my parents would be around until their 80's, just like my grandparents. I guess it's just a good lesson in never assuming anything about life (that I somehow keep failing to learn).

PartlySunny November 15, 2011, 9:11 am

Ugh, Kelly. I wish we didn't share this. I know. You understand.

PartlySunny November 15, 2011, 9:12 am

Thanks so much for finding me. I really enjoyed your writing. I'll be back.

PartlySunny November 15, 2011, 9:16 am

Okay Meredreth, don't freak when you realize you posted the wrong name. Because I do that kind of crap all the time. Anyway, it sounds like we're living similar lives. The mourning doesn't really stop, does it. You just always miss them in some way. And thanks for your comment — it meant a lot to me, too.

alexandra November 15, 2011, 6:38 pm

I hope your mother visits you in your dreams….

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