Things that Go Bump in the Night

– Posted in: Accidents, Injuries, Puke, Stuff I Probably Shouldn't be Thinkin', TV, Worst Mom Moments

Ginger, who blogs at Spicey Mom, sent in this little nightmare about her then three-and-a-half-year-old and 15-month-old daughters. Sounds like the kids were just doing their part to make Mom’s life a little more “dramatic.”

You ever have one of those feeling as a parent that you are just destined not to get sleep that night? Last night was one of those nights. I have recently been a little obsessed with Korean Drama shows. I used to watch them years ago in order to practice my Korean, and get the cadence of the language when I was learning it. Since we cancelled cable over a year ago, we’ve been watching TV online. . . and the site we consistently go back to has been adding Korean Drama to their catalog of shows.

The cool thing about it, is that, unlike American soap operas, they end in sixteen episodes, and the website usually posts all episodes at once. There is no waiting a week for the next episode or even a day. The bad part of this, is they are highly addicting, and all I want to do is watch the show I am currently on. All. Day. Hey kids you need a bath? Eh we’ll just skip it tonight. . . MinSung is about to meet up with Hwang So. Anyway the last two nights I have been staying up past 11 o’clock watching. Stupid me.

Last night I had that intuitive feeling that I should be going to bed at 9 o’clock, but could not turn off my Korean Drama. As I hit the hay at around 11:30, I tossed and turned and just as I was finally drifting off to slumber land, Jelly started crying. She’s going through a pretty rough separation anxiety and has been fighting naps, sleep, and going back to sleep in general. Thinking her issue was this, I vowed that after going in, changing a minor wet diaper, rubbing a tummy for a few minutes, I was going to let her cry it out. Immediately upon leaving the room she started screaming. A fever, high pitch scream. Not her normal scream, but she sounded angry.

From Cookie’s monitor I could hear her tossing a little, most likely disturbed by her sister. And that’s when I heard it, a bump. Thinking it was Cookie getting out of bed to go pee, I ignored it. But, then I didn’t hear her door open. So I finally got out of bed to deal with the fever pitch non-stop screaming of Jelly before she really did wake up Cookie. Ready to show her my frustration, I walked in and there she was. . . wandering around her room crying! In case you missed that, my 15-month-old was out of her crib!!!!! That bump was Jelly climbing out of her crib. Grabbing my child to my now very awake self, feeling her all over to make sure she was uninjured. I proceeded to cuddle with her until she drifted off to sleep. She was pulling her ears, so I got to thinking she was probably teething again.

Fast forward to four a.m. After nursing the crying Jelly, I put her back to bed. Five a.m. I hear her coughing and crying. The sound every Mom knows means. . . puke is going to follow that cough. I get up and as soon as I lift her, she starts throwing up. Panic, did she hit her head when she climbed out? I am now examining my now naked child’s head for any discerning bumps. No, nothing. I am pretty positive she doesn’t have a concussion.

Despite all the puke, the panic about concussion and bleeding in the brain, I have the following recurring thought: “Oh my God! She’s climbing out of her crib already, what the fuck am I going to do?”

3 Comments… add one

Not Blessed Mama June 11, 2011, 4:31 pm

Maybe after all that, you could star in a korean soap opera? Theres a silver lining to every cloud!

Scarlett June 12, 2011, 8:22 pm

Oh, goodness, crib-escape-artists. Evidently, I was the Houdini of mine! Good luck!

World's Worst Moms June 12, 2011, 11:49 pm

I remember when our son fell out of his crib. He was younger than this (not even one?) and he had to have fallen on his head (I mean, they're all noggin at that age — it's practically an impossibility not to). I recall thinking, “There's no way that could be what I think that is.” And then I went to his room and found him on the floor. Yeah. . .

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