‘Til Burning Man Do Us Part

– Posted in: Conservatives are Funny, Grown-up Friends, Mawage, Worst Mom Rants, Writing

I went out the other night and met some friends for a drink.  This was, I’m sad to say, one of the more exciting events of late, due to the fact that my life is incredibly boring.  But here’s what made it even more irregular:  I was sans husband, it was a school night, and the friends were “boys.”  I got to talk about movies, tell really bad jokes, and play pool.  If it weren’t for the fact that I was drinking tonic water and didn’t have a paper due the next day, I’d say it felt just like being back in college.

And I came home happy.  And early.  My husband, Tenzin, was shocked to see me walk through the door at 10:30.  Apparently he thought I’d be rolling in at dawn or something.

Sad but true, it’s been a long time since I just hung out in a bar, chatting it up with friends.  I go to lunch and coffee — with my friends who have kids.  We have dinner — with our friends who have kids.  And we go to parties — with our friends who have kids (often times with kids in tow).  But this was the first time in a long time that I met people who were single, kidless, and full of non-kid topics to talk about.

Don’t get me wrong — when I’m with my friends with kids, we naturally fall into the parenting conversation thing.  And that’s great.  I need it.  I’d freak without it.  But the bar was a nice little reprieve.  And even so, the kids still came up.  They couldn’t not.  Because they’re always there.

Anyway, my pathetically boring life aside, here’s where — I think — this story gets funny.  As you may know, I’m on all of these social networking sites, trolling for like-minded people to drag over here to read my blog.  Or trolling for people who may hate me and who’ll just read my blog because they’re, I don’t know, sadistic.  Anyway, the other day, I read a comment from a woman who said she didn’t think it was appropriate for married people to go to Burning Man.  If you don’t know, Burning Man is. . . oh hell, just google it.  I can’t describe it here.  Anyway, her opinion made me do that “Wha?” thing with my face at the computer screen.

Apparently after you get married, you’re suddenly prohibited from seeing other people naked, taking drugs, or partying (which, I assume, were the major offenses in her mind).  All of these things are, incidentally, not what Burning Man is all about.  But let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that it is —  that Burning Man is the modern-day re-creation of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Black Rock Desert.  Noah, ready the arc.

Just as background, not that it matters, but Tenzin and I aren’t swingers.  Nor do we do drugs (although we experimented in our youth).  And as for the partying, well, I just described how wild and crazy that’s been lately.  But here’s the thing.  I get the impression that the commenter meant (and this is totally reading into things) that the temptations of Burning Man could lead to some sort of marital infidelity.  That while you may be able to resist the guy at the grocery store who grabs the same melon or the woman at work who always calls you “brilliant,” you will lose all sense of yourself, your commitments, and your morals once your feet hit the Playa.  The extra stimulation of the wind in your hair, the music in your ears, and the alcohol in your veins may be that snake in the garden of Eden that gets you to take a bite out of the apple (sorry, I couldn’t resist).

This is what I find so amusing about conservatives.  See, I’m not worried about Tenzin going to work and getting it on with one of the nurses in a supply closet.  He, clearly, wasn’t concerned that I was going to go shag one of my buddies at the bar.  And if we went to the Black Rock Desert, we wouldn’t be stressed out about finding the other one hooking up with a stranger on the Playa.  So I’m thinking that the “Married people shouldn’t go to Burning Man” thing is yet another example of the “Your marriage is undermining my marriage” argument.  Which is just asinine.  Because if you have insecurities about you or your husband shacking up with someone else, then me going to Burning Man isn’t going to make that any better or worse.  Just like. . . wait for it. . . gay people getting married isn’t going to make your marriage any weaker or stronger.

But if you really feel that it does — if you truly feel that me going out to the desert and dressing up in bad Halloween costumes for a week or that my friends Mike and Joe registering at Crate and Barrel is going to lead to your divorce — then may I suggest that perhaps you should concentrate on something other than us.

And just to take the stress off of you. . . our marriages?  Not hinging on yours at all.

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21 Comments… add one

deborah September 3, 2010, 2:48 pm

and that is why i read your blog. you are coming from the place i dwell. if you are ever in my neck of the woods, we really need to have a coffee or a beer. 🙂

PartlySunny September 3, 2010, 5:10 pm

@deborah: It's a date. And thanks for always commenting. It makes me feel loved:).

MultipleMum September 3, 2010, 8:59 pm

I have no idea what Burning Man is, but it sounds like something smug marrieds should be doing. Get us off the couch! I'm glad you had some fun 'hanging with the boys'. Your hubby sounds like he really gets you. Go team Partly Sunny!

PartlySunny September 3, 2010, 10:41 pm

@MultipleMum: You're so funny. If only I could find more stuff to get me off the couch. And I'm lucky — the hub does get me.

Joe September 4, 2010, 9:58 am

Hey…we're famous!! Who knew that registering at Crate & Barrel would lead to this type of notoriety?

Love you, love your blog!

PartlySunny September 4, 2010, 10:10 am

@Joe: Hey, you're here, you're queer, you love great tableware. . .

Love you, too.:)

sandwiched September 4, 2010, 10:27 am

Love it. Love you! Although I still don't really get Burning Man, even after spending two minutes on the website.

And thanks for the reminder…I need some new juice glasses from Crate and Barrel!

Lisa September 4, 2010, 12:18 pm

Great one! We don't go to burning man, but my/our very good friend is probably having the time of her life right now — no husband, either!!

PartlySunny September 4, 2010, 7:43 pm

@sandwiched: Okay, let me give this a try. Fifty thousand people descend on the Nevada desert for a week, set up a town, display huge (and I mean huge) pieces of art, open bars, discos, and restaurants (but don't charge any money), burn a giant wooden statue on the last night, and then leave without a trace. Does that help at all?

@Lisa: Sweet. We don't go to Burning Man either because I'm a huge wuss (see “I Lied About Being the Outdoor Type”). But someday, I think I'd like to suck it up, rent an RV with air conditioning (yes, really roughing it), and check it out. I hear it's gone ridiculously mainstream anyway. And (to steal a sentiment from my friend who went this year) I'm fine admitting that mainstream is where I'm comfortable.

Imperfectly Me September 5, 2010, 3:47 am

Wow, Burning Man looks amazing!!! The closest I've come to a burning man is what silly boys did at university…lighting a wad of paper that was protruding out of their butt (don't go there) as they ran around (crazy drunk idiots!!!) Ah those were the days…now I'm one of those boring married types (not smug though, just tired!) 🙂

That one single chick September 7, 2010, 12:50 pm

Dearest Sunny (truly partly):
I think you should know your marriage undermines my single-hood (so does that whole kid thing, but that's another topic). I'm also truly threatened by the upcoming vows of Mike and Joe (whoever they are, but they obviously have great taste in tableware, if not friends). Know that there is an underground movement of us single-types out there that think ya'll are all nutso.

PartlySunny September 7, 2010, 1:19 pm

@That one single chick: Haven't you heard that it's selfish and egocentric to stay single and childless in this society? Why don't you step up to the plate and do what's best for your country, nay, your planet, and procreate with a person of the opposite sex who you may or may not be able to stand looking at for more than 5 minutes a day. You know. Get you're life on track:).

Anyway, Mike and Joe are already married. They actually did it when it was legal in California. So that's cool. I mean, undermining to your cause. Have you started a 501c3?

That one single chick September 7, 2010, 1:41 pm

You are right – it's totally selfish to not get married and not have kids…or wait is it the other way around? I can't remember with all the hate I have built up from comparing my life with others' – it's very tiring. Congrats or sympathy to Mike and Joe (you pick – I mean isn't it hard to defend that marriage thing all the time? I know he “gets” you and all, but don't you sometimes have fantasies of waking up alone in the middle of Iowa? I think you're secretly jealous). And speaking of “you're” – it's actually 'get *your* life on track', not *you're*. (of course I can't puncuate any of these sentences, so what do I know). Prof Reid told me from the reporter after-life to make sure all insults are grammatically correct. Can you spell “it”?

Crystal September 7, 2010, 7:43 pm

I can understand why married peeps get a bad rap. But here's where I find comfort: All of the NMP (non-married people) will someday wish they had someone to grow old with and complain about the doldrums of life. So to the ones who think we need to stay in our own communes…SUCK IT!

PartlySunny September 7, 2010, 10:30 pm

Okay, before this gets out of hand and some misunderstanding occurs, I just want to make sure that single chick and Crystal know that you are both a) extremely sarcastic smartasses, b) people I like. So don't go getting in some crazy misdirected bitch slapping fight. Or I'll stick you both in the corner without coffee.

And yes, I messed up “your” and “you're.” Which is ridiculously embarrassing. But if you knew the day I'm having, you'd understand.

Kat September 8, 2010, 12:19 am

I absolutely agree with your post and opinions about that woman. Honestly, people should mind their own marriages….but what does it have to do with conservatives? I'm a conservative and I agree with you!

PartlySunny September 8, 2010, 12:58 am

@Kat: Interesting. I only say that as a blanket statement because in general, it's been the social conservative moment, the “religious right,” that's been the loudest, and frankly, nastiest opposition to gay marriage. So when I think of people who wouldn't agree with me in this department, that's where I go.

I'm glad you commented. I've been running into what I consider a strange mix of people on line. In a good way. They don't at all fit into the neat little boxes that have been put out for them as far as political, religious, environmental, educational philosophies. It's both confusing and intriguing. Anyway, I hope you and I can keep up the dialogue.

Truthful Mommy September 8, 2010, 6:40 am

OMG, I think this commentor has a weak marriage and that's her problem ..period! it's liek the friend in college who almost had a heart attack at the fat that my then fiance had a picture of a mostly naked woman as a screen saver. She couldn't understand why I would allow that. 1st) He's not my child, I don't “allow” him to do anything. He's grown. 2) Why would I be jealous of a picture of a person on a screen saver..nwo maybe if she were living in his frat house bedroom taking refuge in his bed..then..maybe I'd be a little concerned. Trust is the basis of a strong marriage, if you don;t have that…you have nothing. My husband lives away from home 5 nights a week…if I were the crazy, non trusting sort…the marriage would have been over long ago. We love each other, we chose each other, we're each others flavor of crazy…why would i be worried if he went to Burning man? Jealous certainly. I want to be in my superman costume in the desert too but not worried.If a person is going to cheat they certainly don't need to go away for long periods of time. Why anyone woudl think that lockign your spouse away will keep your marriage in tact, I will never understand. P.S. I am so glad you found me and I found your blog…LOVE iT!

PartlySunny September 8, 2010, 12:43 pm

@Truthful Mommy: I agree — in addition to it being illegal, locking your spouse away is certainly no way of insuring an intact marriage. Well, a happy one anyway. I guess he'd never be able to cheat or divorce you. But he'd also probably die from vitamin D deficiency.

Aimee September 8, 2010, 2:15 pm

well ya sucked me in with just your 'about me' alone!!! loved it!! loved your blog!!!
i'm now following!!
and thanks for commenting! yeah i'd say america(ns) might have some issues lol
aimee (fellow american)

PartlySunny September 8, 2010, 2:42 pm

@Aimee: yes, we have issues. The “little girls dressing like sluts” is such a big thing with me. Glad to have found another annoyed person.

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