Worst Mom Moments: An Heir-Raising Tale

– Posted in: Life is Dangerous, Mouths of Babes, Okay That's Funny, Parenting, Thank God Your Father's Home, This is Supposed to be Helpful, Worst Mom Moments

So once again, the fabulous Kelly DeBie of DeBie Hive swoops in with a story from her always unbelievable life. Unbelievable only because truth is stranger than fiction. And when you have four kids and a husband, that’s a lot of material to work with.


A few months ago, my husband got a new job.  New jobs come with new benefit packages and enrollment periods and a whole bunch of decisions that need to be made within that 30 day window.

At some point in the middle of those 30 days, we were sitting at the dinner table and discussing how much life insurance coverage he should take out above what the company already provides. Doing the morbid calculations about his annual salary and how much it would take to pay the house off and all those things that make adults uncomfortable as they contemplate their own mortality.

Out of nowhere, our oldest daughter starts playing 20 questions. What is insurance? We explain that it’s basically a safety net in case something happens. She has asthma, so we explained that because she has a medical condition and needs medication, insurance helps cover that expense when we need it. Car insurance paid for the repairs on the van after our accident.

Okay, but what is life insurance, she asked?

Well, in case one of us (me pointing at my husband) dies, it is there to help your surviving family members cover expenses and pay for the house and buy food and all the other things that you need money for.

She sat back a little and started pondering. I could see the wheels turning in her head.

“Hey Dad,” she said, “So if you die, we get a bunch of money? Really? Like how much?”

The look on my husband’s face was of abject horror.

He’s been looking over his shoulder a little more ever since.

4 Comments… add one

Marie November 5, 2012, 10:45 am

Great, Kelly! I can totally see this 😉 lol

andrea-maybe it's just me November 5, 2012, 4:56 pm

Wait! You mean there is actually logic that is supposed to be involved when choosing a life insurance amount?!? We need more adults in our house…preferably ones who know things…about things!Your poor husband!
andrea-maybe it’s just me recently posted..Our power hourMy Profile

pbe56 November 7, 2012, 9:43 pm

Out of the mouths of babes.

Mandy November 18, 2012, 8:01 pm

Love it, sounds like my kids haha
Mandy recently posted..Princess??My Profile

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