There Can Be Only One

– Posted in: Cancer Sucks, Dogs, Family, Grief, Growing Up, Mawage, Mom dying, Momless, Personal Insanity, Sappy Tammy, Tenzin, Uno

I had to open the front door all by myself today.For the first time in almost ten years, the doorbell rang, and I found myself all alone, face-to-face with a strange man. No intimidating presence at my side. No low bark encouraging the guy to take a half-step back. No furry head pressed against my [...]

Going Off the Rails

– Posted in: Chronic Pain, Crazy Tammy, Elfie, Family, Holidays, Life is Dangerous, Newt, Parenting, Personal Insanity, The Kids are Killing Me, Time, Uno

So I've cracked open the Halloween candy (managing to hold off for five whole hours after buying it) because I'm self-medicating with chocolate.  I've never really thought of myself as an "emotional eater" (and, seriously, I hate all of that psycho-mumbo-jumbo, not because it's untrue but because it's been so done to death by talk [...]