And the World Kept on Spinning…

– Posted in: Gratitude, Grief, Logan's Story, Mean People, Parenting, Personal Insanity, School, Shopping Hell

So I’m back in the saddle. At least that’s the plan. Research shows that if a person smiles, it actually causes her brain to think she’s happy. So in keeping with that theory, I’m just concentrating on doing what I do best — writing, complaining, yelling at the kids — in an attempt to start feeling more like me. It’s just science.

So what have you guys missed during this long, silent week? Well, we still haven’t found Logan. They brought in the “big guns” — a sonar system that can even see anchors at the bottom of the lake — and still, we have nothing. The good news is that I’ve successfully compartmentalized this entire situation and don’t think about it until it’s brought up. All those years, toiling away in the employ of Her Majesty’s Secret Service have truly served me well…

We got our first big break from our well of bad-dom when we went to see Michelle Obama speak at the University of Nevada, Reno. Thanks to a friend from the ’08 campaign, we got some VIP tickets. Being in the “good seats” helped (and seats is in quotes because there are never seats at these things), but we still got there around 8:30 a.m. and waited about three (yes, three) hours for her to speak.

The waiting is the hardest part

When I run the world, this won’t happen. By the time we got to the main event, Newt was “done.” Afterward, when he was able to recap what she said, I was shocked because he spent most of the time slumped over. The two of us headed for the exit as soon as it was over (mainly so I wouldn’t have many witnesses when I killed him) and left Tenzin and Elfie to fight the crowds. At the last minute, Tenzin held Elfie over everybody’s heads, and she shook Mrs. Obama’s hand. Apparently Michelle made a big effort to reach Elfie and said, “Oh, I even get the little ones!

Newt was really excited…for the first 2 hours

Elfie gets the best seat

So it all turned out well, but between the wait and having to restrain myself from beating the hell out of some lady who came in about an hour later than everyone else and shoved her way up to the front with her two daughters (because in her universe that’s okay), I think it’ll be my last event. Either that or I’ll just go see the Romney’s — they only attract a few hundred people so getting in is no big deal…

Wearing our vintage ’08 gear

Last week was also school pictures, which turned into quite a production. Usually the kids just put something on, comb their hair, and we send them off. Unfortunately, with all the hubbub, both of the kids looked like street urchins. And Newt’s signature piece of clothing, the suit jacket (his choice, not mine, I swear), had suddenly become too small.

So it was a mad dash to get haircuts and find clothes, the latter of which I suck at. Newt was easy — we hit Kohl’s. But since he got something new, Elfie got it in her head that she needed something too (and based on the options I saw in her closet, I didn’t entirely disagree). Let’s just say four stores later, I set foot in Justice for the first time, and we found her a dress — hippy chic, just her style.

Angus Young and Marcia, Marcia, Marcia

As it turns out, we’ll probably have to get Newt’s pictures reshot because the annoying photo people made him do one of those “show your teeth” smiles that make him look like a used car salesman. He said he felt like he had no choice because they were the “adults in power.” Such a crappy line to walk as a kid. I told him next time he could tell them to piss off (although I didn’t use those words and was much more diplomatic).

So that’s what you missed. Groundbreaking, I know. The thing is that this week, I was proud of myself to be able to do a little bit more than just go through the motions.

Because when life feels like a giant rock on your shoulders, just being able to stay in motion at all is generally good enough.


11 Comments… add one

Kathy October 9, 2012, 2:08 am

Well horrible school pictures are a right of passage. My mother once took me when I had pneumonia. Just took me in and then home right afterwards. She wouldn’t let me wash my hair despite having massive bed head with it poking up every which way. She insisted that I keep the Mentholatum soaked rag around my throat. Though I do recall I wasn’t asked to smile, and instead the photographer gave me his binder to lean on as I kept slumping forward into my lap. Yeah, dear old Mom. It’s all funny now.

Tammy October 12, 2012, 7:25 pm

Kathy, that is epic. Epic.

Alexandra October 9, 2012, 5:16 am

Adorable post, of such a good mom.

What’s it doing on WWM?

Your boy looks handsome, your girl is amazing, and YES! Tell that photog to stuff it.

What a lesson with lifelong benefit.

I grew up with a lifetime of adults ordering me to smile, what in the world? Isn’t it something you should do only if you feel it?
Alexandra recently posted..The Colombian Way: How To Avoid A Good KidnappingMy Profile

Tammy October 12, 2012, 7:35 pm

Well, of course, WWM is a sarcastic name, just like me.

Adults are always telling kids to smile. It’s probably why we all become screwed up people.

Kelly DeBie October 9, 2012, 7:30 am

Glad to see you back. Going on is the hardest thing to do sometimes, but life has a way of just urging us forward. xoxo
Kelly DeBie recently posted..What defines you?My Profile

Tammy October 12, 2012, 7:53 pm

Someone told me a Zen Proverb: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. That works for me.

Stinna October 9, 2012, 11:01 am

First I want to say I’m sorry for the heart-wrenching loss your family is going through. Second I want to say don’t give up hope that Logan will be found. When we lived in Kansas there was an awful accident that rocked our little community to it’s core. Three members of the same family were in a boating accident on Dec.4, 2010 the father and uncle were found that day, but the little boy Jeremy was not. A huge search effort turned up nothing day after agonizing day. Jeremy was finally found May 7, 2011, the day before mother’s day. Many people had already given up hope by then, but not his mom, she always believed he would be found.

Tammy October 12, 2012, 7:55 pm

Thank you for your support, Stinna. You were right. It turns out they found him the day after you wrote this.

Rachel October 9, 2012, 12:13 pm

Hi. I LOVE the suit jacket. Very Alex P. Keaton! 🙂

I have been thinking of you. Hang in there!

Tammy October 12, 2012, 8:02 pm

I know! And isn’t that just my biggest nightmare.;)

Andrea October 10, 2012, 5:37 pm

Welcome back! So cool that the four of you rally together.
Andrea recently posted..Tuesday, and other holy thingsMy Profile

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