Logan’s Story Part 13: Home

– Posted in: Family, Gratitude, Grief, Logan's Story, Mom dying, Reno, Sappy Tammy, Uncategorized

The Logan Pin

Logan finally came home yesterday.

For those of you not following the story, my 24-year-old cousin drowned about a month ago at Lake Almanor, California. They didn’t find his body for about three-and-a-half weeks.

My aunt finally got his ashes yesterday. To say this was an arduous process would be an understatement. I don’t want to get too bitchy, but he was originally taken to a small-town funeral home, and there was a point in there where I started to feel like we were unlucky travelers who’d broken down in the middle of nowhere and the only mechanic for miles and miles was “Jethro,” who just happened to have our part, but “Boy, {spits tobacco} it’s gonna cost ya…”

We finally ended up getting in touch with Simple Cremation (and just to throw a little levity into this situation, I swear, I can’t get this name straight — I constantly want to call it “Simple Creations” or “Simple Castrations” which is just so, so wrong). I can’t say enough about Alan, the guy who helped us, which is why I feel like I need to give him a plug. On top of driving four hours to pick up Logan, he dealt with the cranky people at Jethro’s Funeral and Tire Center.

Anyway, the plan is to spread Logan’s ashes in multiple places — up at Heavenly ski resort, at Lake Tahoe, out at Burning Man. We can’t think of one thing he loved more than anything. He just loved. . . living.

And we’re also considering tattoos. Apparently you can get a tattoo with the ashes mixed into the ink (don’t freak out — it’s sterile). Logan’s brother was the first to come up with this. Now my aunt is thinking about it. And when she mentioned the idea of getting little scisssors (Logan was a hair dresser) I actually thought — for the very first time in my life, ever, ever — about getting one, too. Who woulda thunk it.

So we’re doing our best to keep his memory alive. Tomorrow we’re even having a “Get Out the Vote for Logan” event at the Barack Obama headquarters in Reno. Everyone is going to knock on doors to try to get people to the polls. Logan was very outspoken when it came to politics (don’t know where he got that from), so I know he’d be doing this with me if he were here (we’re meeting at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 141 E. Pueblo Street, for anyone who wants to come along).

One of my cherished texts from Logan

We’re even going to have our Logan memorial pins, which I just love because the photo captures him so perfectly. His friends Vanessa and Mike made them. Apparently Mike took about a hundred shots of Logan in their basement with the three of them just screwing around. I can see this so clearly — I’m sure he was laughing his butt off.

To be honest, it still doesn’t really feel like he’s gone. I don’t expect that to change anytime soon. There are moments when it still feels surreal that my mom is dead, and it’s been more than three years. Some people make marks on your heart that don’t fade away easily. Or at all.

I suppose that just means they worked hard to put them there.



20 Comments… add one

Mary October 19, 2012, 3:03 pm

And as I read this I think, huh, scissors for Logan. I’m like….no tattoos. But that sounds adorable. Logan would laugh his ass off.

Tammy October 19, 2012, 5:33 pm

I know — I need to take more time to ponder the possibilities. But I do think he’d think it was pretty funny.

Erika October 19, 2012, 3:06 pm

I don’t have any tattoos, but I think this qualifies as a perfect reason. I love the scissors idea. 🙂

Tammy October 19, 2012, 5:34 pm

Yeah, me getting a tattoo is a stretch. But like you said…

Kelly DeBie October 19, 2012, 3:08 pm

I love the tattoo idea. Love it. I’m getting one for my dad….a purple butterfly.
Kelly DeBie recently posted..What May BeMy Profile

Tammy October 19, 2012, 5:35 pm

That sound just perfect.:)

Susanne October 19, 2012, 3:22 pm

I’m so sorry for all you and your family have gone through. *Hugs* And, I say go for the tattoo. I got my first one when I turned 40 and I haven’t regretted my decision.
Susanne recently posted..To Stick or Not to Stick?My Profile

Tammy October 19, 2012, 5:36 pm

But that’s just because you have a much more rebellious nature.

Ginger October 19, 2012, 3:47 pm

My sister and bro-in law got tattoos for their son Griffin…They are beautiful…and then later they felt bad that they didn’t have one for their living kids so now they have a phoenix and a Raven…And funeral homes can be awful…Had the worst worst worst experience burying my Grandfather. It was so bad, that when I approached the funeral director to address our grievances, he had nothing to say and discounted the whole burial in half…It is amazing how people try and take advantage of the grieving…that is why there are laws, laws that not everyone is aware of. I can only imagine how horrible this must have been for your Aunt. My grandfather was 95…his death was expected, if it had been anyone else like my mother, my kids, my husband, I think I may have lost it. Thoughts to you and your family as you learn to live without Logan….
Ginger recently posted..Women’s LibMy Profile

Tammy October 19, 2012, 5:37 pm

That’s really sweet — for Griffin and the other kids. And yes, I continue to be astounded at the things people will take advantage of and when. It’s depressing.

Alicia October 19, 2012, 3:52 pm

The tattoo is a great idea! I wonder if you could get a pair of scissors pointing down with a hairbrush on the other side to form a love heart, that would be cool. So sorry to hear of your loss.

Tammy October 19, 2012, 5:38 pm

I wonder if just closed scissors would look enough like a heart? Obviously this is going to take some messing around with. And thank you for the kind words.

andrea-maybe it's just me October 19, 2012, 4:28 pm

Yes, THAT is a reason to get a tattoo!
andrea-maybe it’s just me recently posted..52 Weeks of Happiness – Week 32My Profile

Tammy October 19, 2012, 5:39 pm


Kimberly October 19, 2012, 7:02 pm

I’m glad your family finally has Logan back. You are all in my thoughts. When I vote in November, I will be thinking of you.
Kimberly recently posted..Harvest PartyMy Profile

Tammy October 19, 2012, 10:36 pm

Thanks Kimberly! Uh, it just occurred to me that I hope I don’t start crying uncontrollably at the polling place. That would be uncomfortable. Maybe now that I’ve thought of it, I won’t.

Momma Lioness Michele October 19, 2012, 7:29 pm

I am so sorry for your family’s loss. His pin photo is lovely. May Logan rest in peace, and may you and your family find some peace as well.

Tammy October 19, 2012, 10:37 pm

The pin really is great. Mike is so talented.

VM Sehy Photography October 21, 2012, 11:35 am

Sorry to hear of your loss. Love the creative ideas for honoring his memory.

Tammy October 21, 2012, 12:21 pm

Thanks VM — I was just talking with my husband this morning about different symbols. I think that’s going to be the hard part.

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