Suck It Up, Buttercup

– Posted in: Blogging, Elfie, Grown-up Friends, Me Time, Memories, Nevada, Newt, Parenting, Reno, Tammy Thinks, Travel

You know that phenomenon where you put off calling a friend or writing an email because it’s going to require carving out a chunk of time that you won’t have until you’re, I don’t know, 90 (which is probably still wrong because my 90-year-old aunt is still pretty frickin’ busy)? Or like how you’d really like to clean the inside of your car, but it’s such a disaster that you know it won’t be some quicky wipedown. There will no doubt be floor mats getting hosed off in the driveway while you search for stray french fries between the seats with chopsticks.

So you put it off. And put it off. And the conversation with the friend keeps looking longer and the email keeps needing more description and the car keeps getting dirtier.

Well, this is where I’ve been with my blog. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve failed to write anything on this place since June. June, people. In blogging terms, I might as well be dead.

Every time I wanted to tell you guys something, I’d think, “Well, damn, I’d write that, but I should really tell them A, B, and C to get there…”

So this, my friends, is the “Suck It Up, Buttercup” edition. I’m just going to catch you all up on everything (whether you like it or not) so I can move on with my damn life. Because if I have to blow off one more post idea, I’ll go completely bonkers.

Summer Trips

Before you think I’m a complete asshole for telling you about all the amazing places we went over summer vacation, let me preface my list with this: I suffer from a serious case of “I don’t do enough with the children over summer vacation”-itis. Some of this comes from being a person with a chronic illness. When you’re tired all the time, you feel like you’re never doing enough. And I know — if you spend any time looking at Facebook, it’ll soon become clear that no one feels like they’re doing enough. Because face it — everyone is better than you…

Also keep in mind that I’m surrounded by a brother who takes his kids to places like Paris for spring break, a father who just got back from Norway and will be leaving to cruise around Africa soon, and some good friends who are traveling around the world with their elementary-school-aged children. So you can see why I might have some “issues” when the biggest thing we do is drive 6 hours to Oregon.

Anyway, we actually took some amazing trips — some planned, some last minute — and they all worked out surprisingly (knock on wood) well. I hope to write about them in greater depth so other people can benefit from our serendipitous finds.

Epic Birthday Partay

Hard to believe, I know, but we threw another crazy, over-the-top birthday party, this time for Elfie’s 10th. I’ll definitely be writing up the details of this one — it was fairytale-themed and involved so much work that I started questioning my sanity. Again.


Why yes, these children ARE making snowmen out of cornstarch and oil. Why do you ask?

Curtain Call

The kids did a whirlwind week of practice for Rapunzel with the Missoula Children’s Theater during Artown (Reno’s month-long art-fest). MCT sends groups of two instructors to cities all over the world. They recruit around 60 local kids, rehearse with them all week, and then put on a musical. It’s an amazing program.

This is seriously one of the best and worst parts of summer for me. Best because the Elfie loves it (Newt did it for the first time this year, too), and she was so excited to finally get a part with a script. And worst because the stress surrounding whether or not they’ll actually get into the play is just ridiculous. If you can imagine, we plan some of our summer around this week, so for them to get axed? Yeah…


Elfie, checking out the day’s agenda. Notice the all-important script in hand.


Elfie played — wait for it — an elf.


Newt played an ogre. He had to oversee other children and at one point declared, “I’m just not good with kids.”

BlogHer ’14

This is sort of the section I’ve been dreading. First, let me just apologize in advance for a) doing such a lousy job of following up with so many of you lovely people, and b) almost definitely failing to remember someone in the following paragraphs. I’ll buy you a drink some day. Or mention you in my will.

So anyway, I finally went to BlogHer after all these years. Was is all sunshine and roses? Not so much. Did I still have a good time? Yes. I came home, however, with what can only be described as a sense of confusion, disillusionment, and ennui (fortunately I really know what “ennui” is now). I’m still sort of getting over it. I think having to work on the Blogging Betties Podcast has helped keep me focused. But here, on my personal blog? I’m coming to the conclusion that it needs a serious makeover and/or my writing career needs to take a major turn. It’s all causing me to analyze the whole mess too often and too hard.

But back to BlogHer. Highlights? I got to have a slumber party with my Blogging Betties partner, Poppy Marler, on the first night in her hotel room. She was super psyched to have me keep her up, talking her ear off until 2 a.m.


First night on fumes.


Starting to lose it.


Giving up completely.

She also introduced me to entire posse, who let me hang out with them so I wouldn’t have to wander the mean streets of San Jose all by myself.


Poppy, Jennie Goutet (A Lady in France), Arnebya Herndon (What Now and Why), Greta Funk (Gfunkified), Elaine Alguire (The Miss Elaine-ous Life)


Jennifer P. Williams taking her ginormous VOTY post. Because she could.


Tonya Wertman (Letters for Lucas), Kristin Shaw (Two Cannoli), Poppy Marler (Blogging Betties), Leigh Ann Torres (Genie in a Blog), me

I also got to meet my idol and mentor, JC Little of The Animated Woman, who toonswagged me (and honestly, it was worth going for that alone).




I talked for too short a time (because it’s never a long enough time) with Neil Kramer of Citizen of the Month.  I totally stole this photo off his site because (even though you can’t tell) I’m sitting on a bed with JC Little, Elaine Alguire, and Poppy, and we were talking to Neil. I want it for all eternity because it’s one of my favorite memories.

I finally got to meet my dear friend, Alexandra Rosas of Good Day Regular People. We shared nervous energy backstage before she did her 10×10 speech and I did my VOTY. Which, if you haven’t heard, was a bit of a disaster (all of my slides were totally out of order!!!). And update — the video of the speech turned out to be a disaster as well. They released it without cutting in any of my drawings. So basically just imagine me talking jibberish and attempting to scroll through mixed up pictures that apparently don’t even exist. So yeah, it just keeps getting better.


Alexandra and me!


Pre-show. Blissfully unaware of my upcoming fate.


Look closely. This may be the only time you actually see a slide associated with my VOTY speech…

I also had some sort of “moment” with Jill Smo of Yeah, Good Times at the McDonald’s party. Yes, there’s actually a McDonald’s party where they serve food from…McDonald’s (Poppy: “What the hell did you expect?” Me: “Real food?”). Anyway, Jill and I saw each other across a (un)crowded, er, area in front of the food truck. She gave me the kind of hug that makes you feel like you’re the most important person on the planet AND you were just found after being lost at sea AND you rescued her child and picked up her favorite ice cream on the drive over.


Anyway, I very quickly got sucked in with her peeps. Let’s just say that we shared a common opinion about the messaging coming from the very attractive women’s band, whose song kept hammering away at us that we were “enough.”


Yes, I know I’m enough. And thanks, glad you think I’ve never looked better, given the fact you’ve never met me. But you’re starting to make me a titch paranoid. Especially since you snuck into my hotel room to stick this on my bathroom mirror…

So quick shout out to Adrienne Jones of No Points for Style, Lexi Magnusson of LexistentialJennifer Bush of Anybody Want a Peanut, and Kristin McCarthy Macchi of Running to be Still. Thanks for letting me hang with you in McDonald’s Land, ladies.

Other cool people? Aliza Worthington of The Worthington Post (a serious soul sister). We sat on the floor during one of the lunch breaks — on purpose, much to the dismay of the staff — and were joined by Alpha Mom, Isabel Kallman, who you’d expect to be one of those people you’d kind of hate, but I dug her after 10 seconds (you can tell a lot about a person who’ll sit on the floor in a dress).

Other highlights:

And I had amazing moments with some of my fellow VOTY women, like Kristin Shaw of Two Cannoli, Ashley Garrett of Baddest Mother Ever, August McLaughlin of Girl Boner, Parri Sontag of Her Royal ThighnessJanelle Hanchett of Renegade Mothering, Jenna Hatfield of Stop, Drop, and Blog, and Meredith Bland of Pile of Babies (incidentally ALL of the VOTY’s are worth watching). I feel extremely grateful to have been included in their company.






I did end up having an evil fibromyalgia crash on Saturday and seriously thinking I was done for, but I rallied after a nap. Good thing or I would’ve missed McDonald’s hors d’oeuvres wrapped in paper and this covert communist messaging.


By the way, just to set everyone’s mind at ease who doesn’t ever get to go to BlogHer and feels all bad about it: yes, it has its positives. Yes, I’m glad I met all of these awesome folks in person. They were the bomb. Getting to talk to Poppy across a table instead of on Skype was cool. But have I placed her on a higher shelf than Vanita because of it? No. Have the people I met in San Jose jostled all of my other friends out of their positions? Absolutely not. In fact, I actually messaged Kelly DeBie of DeBie Hive (who I’ve still never met) while in my hotel room to bitch about something during the conference, if that tells you anything…

Pain in the Ass — But that’s Okay

My husband, Tenzin, has finally opened his pain management practice. The remodel of the office (specifically a section which we now refer to as “the golden bathroom”) took about four times longer than expected. They’re still walking over boxes and we haven’t hung pictures, but no one seems to care. The patients are coming in (which sort of gives you an indication of how much he’s needed…).


Playing dodgeball in the pilates room.

And I did their website (with help from Vanita, of course)! It’s simple but gets the job done.


So there you have it! If you read this far, you’re all caught up (and sort of a glutton for punishment). As you can see, I wasn’t totally slacking these last few months. I’ve still been writing for the Blogging Betties and Lefty Pop. But I’ll try to keep up here, I swear. It makes me crazy when I don’t.

Hope you’re all well. Come catch up with me on Facebook or Twitter (hard to believe but I’m actually getting better at Twitter…). Take care everybody!

34 Comments… add one

Andrea September 4, 2014, 4:36 am

Well I was going to try to comment on all that I read, but then I’d have to write so much!!! How about “I was here”?

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 6:57 pm

Then I’d definitely know you’re nuts. I’m impressed you read to the bottom. This felt like one of those bad Christmas letters you get from people who don’t know how to edit.
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Ginger September 4, 2014, 5:36 am

First I’d write my website…buy you think not writing since June is bad? And frankly, you went what 6 places during summer? How is that not doing enough? These kids these days are spoiled I tell you. We managed to get enough money together to take a 5 hour drive and see Mount Rushmore, where we were all sick, barely made it through the Cave of the Wind…and scene. And should your husband really need help with his website, my husband officially is freelancing (since he lost his job because they no longer wanted him to telecommute and I hyperventilated at he idea of moving back to LA) and he is awesome! Love you, happy to read about your travels and summer!

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 6:59 pm

Bah! That just sucks. You know, he needs a website for his website design. That plus I’m sorta just dying to see his stuff.
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Kelly DeBie September 4, 2014, 1:42 pm

Hahahahaha… totally did that. Love you. Stranger. XOXO
Kelly DeBie recently posted..Random Rushed Thoughts About Back to School on a Thursday MorningMy Profile

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:01 pm

I did. Good thing, too, or I might’ve jumped through the glass at the Marriott. Well, at the very least eaten the entire minibar. xoxo
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Jennifer September 4, 2014, 1:43 pm

Still one of my favorite photos from BlogHer. So glad you took it.
Jennifer recently posted..Real Life Advice – Parenting a Child with a Learning DisabilityMy Profile

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:02 pm

SO one of my favorite photos — but that’s because it was such a great moment. You’re just a hoot. Thanks for letting me hang with you guys!
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Ashley September 4, 2014, 1:45 pm

Consider it sucked, Buttercup! It was a treat to meet you at BlogHer. Now I’mma stalk you on other platforms…
Ashley recently posted..On My Honor, I Will Do My BestMy Profile

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:06 pm

Haha! You were like a ice cream sundae treat. With about 10 cherries. And extra nuts. 😀
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Candy September 4, 2014, 1:53 pm

I’m so glad I got to meet you. You’re Cool McCool (as we say around my house). Summer is just a problem. I am far behind schedule on all of the things. It’s hard to make time for the blog when life is so full. But I guess that’s not a bad problem to have.
Candy recently posted..Back to School Giveaway For Mom {From J.Jill}My Profile

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:11 pm

Actually, I read your blog in the middle of writing this, and it definitely made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I think that’s why we got along so well — definitely got each other in a “I’m always behind and my life is sort of a mess that brews underneath, but I’m doing what I can to find the silver lining” way (raises fist in solidarity).
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

The AnimatedWoman September 4, 2014, 1:54 pm

You’ve done a lot. And yeah I read the whole thing and not just because I’m in it. I love that photo that Neil took too, you’re flashing thigh like a pro!Ps. It is better to be busy living life than busy recording it.

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:13 pm

You said it. That’s exactly right. Besides, what would we write about otherwise.:)
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Leigh Ann September 4, 2014, 1:55 pm

I had very similar thoughts about the girl band. So glad I got to meet you though!
Leigh Ann recently are so unreliableMy Profile

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:14 pm

Haha! See, I say this stuff, thinking I’m pissing people off, and then it turns out they’re just thinking the same thing. So glad I met you too!
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

alexandra September 4, 2014, 1:58 pm

It felt so natural to be with you, weird , huh? I LOVE YOU, lady… you are wonderful.

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:15 pm

Weird and not. It’s like we always say about our friends online. Love you too! xo
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Krystal Tingle September 4, 2014, 2:04 pm

hahah! you didn’t bore me! definitely learned a ton from you and have since become friends with Vanita! Glad you got all this out there. Let me know when you want to have a writing/blogging fest in town soon!! xo, Krystal
Krystal Tingle recently posted..My Beloved Belize: Oh Captain! My Captain!My Profile

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:17 pm

I’m so glad you got in touch with Vanita! I’ve often said that was the smartest move I’ve ever made. Actually, my HUSBAND often says that’s the smartest move I’ve ever made. And yes, talk to you soon!
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Elaine A. September 4, 2014, 2:22 pm

I kinda stopped reading after you said Paris. I want to go there so bad! Okay, just kidding, I read the BlogHer stuff too.

I was SO happy to meet you there and I didn’t even know you beforehand, that’s what I love about BlogHer, making new friends while seeing the “old” ones too!

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:19 pm

I know — it actually freaks me out how many people I DON’T know after doing this for so long. Especially since you’re one of Poppy’s peeps. And I love Paris. I was there as a poor college student, and it was awesome.
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Deva Dalporto September 4, 2014, 3:11 pm

It was fabulous meeting you! I guess it’s a good thing I’m not as nuts in person as I am on YouTube, or I might have scared you off LOL

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:21 pm

Not a chance! We love your crazy and your calm. I’m mainly bummed that we didn’t get to hang out with you more. It’s sort of like being at your own wedding.
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

SistersFromAnotherMister September 4, 2014, 8:02 pm

I read it all …Great post and I know most of these folks too … we keep such great mutual company so assuming eventually I will meet you too 😉

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:22 pm

I’d put money on us meeting. It seems inevitable after all these years, right?!
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Linda Roy September 5, 2014, 3:59 pm

I’m so bummed I didn’t get to meet you or Poppy at BlogHer. I’ma stalk y’all next time though. I totally have a case of “not doing enough with the kids-itis” too. I suffer from it annually. And ooh! We went to Monterey this summer too – did a “before BlogHer” family vacation and visited a friend who lives there. Beautiful there. So glad you’ve written for Lefty Pop – hope you’ll keep on sending us stuff! xo
Linda Roy recently posted..Real Simple, My AssMy Profile

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:24 pm

Yeah, what the heck? I blame Lance. But I like to blame Lance for everything…;)

And thanks for letting me play in the Lefty Pop sandbox. I love it there. I should’ve thanked DeBie for getting me to you guys as well.
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Deb September 5, 2014, 5:15 pm

You totally rock! Believe it or not, we wonder if we’re doing enough with our kids too…..sounds like an amazing summer and glad we had at least a little time to catch up.

Tammy Soong September 5, 2014, 7:26 pm

Okay, now I know for a fact that we’re all insane. Clearly it’s a psychosis that affects everyone. Oh, if only we could figure out how to make money from parental guilt….
Tammy Soong recently posted..Suck It Up, ButtercupMy Profile

Ginger September 5, 2014, 7:30 pm

Tammy… He does.. Check it out.

vanita September 6, 2014, 4:38 am

i’m glutton for punishment
vanita recently posted..What to do when Google Authorship diesMy Profile

Andrea September 16, 2014, 2:32 pm

I always feel like I don’t do enough with the kids over summer, too. And it goes by so fast and I end up wishing that we’d had more time to lounge around.

Loved your recap of BlogHer! I almost feel like I was there. 🙂
Andrea recently posted..Keep Track Of Your StuffMy Profile

Tammy Soong September 25, 2014, 10:57 am

I know. You want to do stuff and you want to just chill. It’s like nothing really works. Because you’re basically nuts (at least I am).
Tammy Soong recently posted..Two Women Made the MasterChef Finale, but We Really Only Care About the ShoesMy Profile

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